Review Process

In SDU IJES journal, a two-stage evaluation process is carried out. An editor is assigned to the articles submitted to our journal for publication and the first evaluation of the article is made by the editor. Based on the double blind review principle, the articles considered suitable for evaluation are submitted to the opinion of minimum two reviewers having at least doctorate degree in the field. As is known, in this principle, such information as name and institution of the authors cannot be sent to the reviewers. Likewise, authors cannot know the reviewers appointed to evaluate their articles. Therefore, in the process of submitting, authors should not include any information in the text regarding their identity. Author and institution information can be provided by the authors in the text only after their paper is accepted. The evaluations and recommendations make an important contribution to the acceptance or revision of the article by the authors. In addition, it can be requested from the authors to improve the image quality related to figures and diagrams in PDF format.

We do not ask any article submission or processing charges.

For all candidate papers submitted to the SDU International Journal of Educational Studies, a similarity report from iThenticate or Turnitin must be uploaded to the system. The likelihood ratio should not exceed 20%, and the likelihood rate for a resource may be at most 3%. Manuscripts submitted to our journal may be withdrawn by the author during the pre-check phase. The pre-control phase ranges from 7 to 15 days. Manuscripts that go through the evaluation phase cannot be withdrawn by the author. SDU Inretnational Journal of Educaitonal Studies will immediately reject papers leading to plagiarism or self-plagiarism.

The reviewers will evaluate the articles according to the following criteria:

1.      Does it contribute to the field of education?

2.      Has the relevant literature been sufficiently discussed? (Literature review and discussion)

3.      Are the objectives of research and / or development clearly specified?

4.      Is the research method appropriate and clearly justified?

5.      Is empirical data, analysis, presentation and interpretation of the results sufficient?

6.      Are recommendations for further research, theory, implementation and / or policies appropriately presented?

7.      Does writing quality (article format, style, language, and fluency) conform to the SDU IJES article format and bibliography guidelines?

The evaluations and recommendations to be made make a significant contribution to the adoption of the article or to the revision of the authors' development and revision. In addition, it can be requested from the authors to improve the image quality related to figures and diagrams in PDF format.

Last Update Time: 7/27/18, 3:45:49 PM
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