Instructıon For Authors


Aims and Scope:

The aim of the Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology, Cyprus, Turkey and in the world, mainly Psychiatry and Psychology, to provide the scientific level of theoretical knowledge and clinical experience to create and promote a forum.

In the Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology, original research articles, review articles, case reports, letters / debates, books and dissertations will be published. The Turkish Cypriot Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology, whose short name is Cyp Turk J of Psychiatry and Psychol, is published both in print (ISSN: 1302-7840) and online (E-ISSN: 2667-8225).

Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology recommends that authors follow the Recommendations for the conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals formulated by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).


Publication Frequency:

In line with the decision of the Editorial Board of the Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology on December 20, 2020, it has been decided to publish the Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology in 4 issues (March, June, September, December) as of 2021.

Publication Language:

The language of the Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology is Turkish and English. Articles published in full text in Turkish also contain the English title, abstract and keywords. Again, Articles Published in English contain Turkish title, abstract and keywords.

It is a policy that the Editorial Board attaches importance to the writing and grammar rules of the articles. It is expected that the articles should be written in an understandable, clear, and plain language in accordance with grammar, spelling rules and field writing.

Articles accepted for publication by the Editorial Board are read by language (Turkish, English) editors. During the evaluation process of the articles, the editorial board, referees, or language editors may suggest corrections regarding the writing of the article. It is the authors’ responsibility to make these corrections.

Authors seeking assistance with English language editing, translation, or figure and manuscript formatting to fit the journal’s specifications should consider using Cyprus Mental Health Institute Language Services. Visit Cyprus Mental Health Institute Language Services on

Open Access Policy:

Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology is an open access, double-blind peer-reviewed journal. Each article accepted by peer review is made freely available online immediately upon publication, is published under a Creative Commons license and will be hosted online in perpetuity. There is no charge for submitting a paper to the journal.

The Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology is published with the policy of transparency, open access and sharing of information in publishing. The Journal supports the Budapest Open Access Initiative. For this purpose, the open access policies available at are adopted by the Editorial Board of the Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology. In addition, articles published in the Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology within the scope of open access policies are licensed under “Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License” (

Journal Content:

At the stage of submission, the application letter, title, authors and institutions, contact address, Turkish abstract and the title and summary of the manuscript should be written at the relevant stages.

Turkish abstract should be added to the works written in English.

In the main text of the manuscript it will be used as follows: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments, References, Tables and Figures.

Manuscripts must not have been previously published or sent to another journal for publication.

Article Types:

The Journal accepts the following paper types for publication:

a)Original Articles: These should only include original findings from high-quality planned research studies such as experimental designs, outcome studies, case–control series, surveys with high response rates, randomized controlled trials, intervention studies, studies of screening and diagnostic tests, and cost-effectiveness analyses.

b)Review articles: These are systematic and critical assessments of the literature.

c)Viewpoints: These should be experience-based views and opinions on debatable or controversial issues that affect the profession. The author should have sufficient, credible experience on the subject.

d)Practical Psychotherapy: Manuscripts describing the use of psychotherapy in a single case or a series of cases can be submitted to this section. We are mainly looking for articles that describe the practicalities in conducting psychotherapy, the hurdles faced, how they were overcome, etc.

e)Case Series: More than one new, interesting, and rare cases belonging to a particular diagnosis/clinical feature/treatment can be reported in this section.

f)Commentaries: These should address important topics and may be linked to multiple or a specific article recently published in Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology.

g) Letter to the Editor: In this section, the authors publish their short observations on the mental health field.


The Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology follows the requirements for authorship recommended by the International Medical Journal Editors Committee. Articles should be submitted for evaluation only after approval by all contributing authors. During the article submission phase, the Author Form must be sent together. Submitters should carefully check that all contributors to the article are considered contributing authors.

The list of authors should include anyone who can legally claim authorship. Accordingly, each author must meet all the following criteria:

Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND
Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND
Final approval of the version to be published; AND
Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately international committe of Medical investigated and
Those who do not meet the above 4 criteria should be named in the Acknowledgements.

The terms set forth herein have been arranged in accordance with the guidelines of the Journal Editors (ICMJE). For further details please see: authors-and-contributors.html

Click here for Authorship Form.

Copyright Transfer Form:

Authors have to transfer the copyrights of their articles to the Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology at the time of article application. For this, the “Copyright Transfer Form” is filled and the publication rights of the articles are transferred to the journal. All authors sign the form, scan it in the browser and electronically upload it to the TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM DERGİPARK system ( with the article. The Editorial Board of the Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology is authorized to publish the article.

In addition, the authors reserve the right to use the article free of charge in their lectures, presentations and book works other than copyright, the right to reproduce the article for their own purposes provided that they do not sell, and the right to distribute by mail or electronically. In addition, the author can use any part of the article in another publication, if it is sent to the Journal (citation). The articles of the authors who do not upload the Copyright Transfer Form to the system with article application are not processed. Copyright transfer applies only to articles published in the Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology.

Please ensure that a ‘Declaration of Conflicting Interests’ statement is included at the end of your manuscript, after any acknowledgements and prior to the references. If no conflict exists, please state that ‘The Author(s) declare(s) that there is no conflict of interest’.

For guidance on conflict of interest statements, please see the ICMJE recommendations.–conflicts-of-interest.html#two

Please make sure that this statement is not included in the main manuscript but in the Title page.

For accepted manuscripts, the authors are deemed to have accepted the correctness by the editor-in-chief.

In case of studies presented previously in a congress / symposium, this should be stated as a footnote.

Click here for Copyright Transfer Form.


The Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology requires all authors to state their funds consistently under a separate heading. In the absence of funding, the acknowledgment should include the following statements after and before the resources section: “This research has not received a private grant from any funding institution in the public, commercial or non-profit sectors.”

Statement of Conflict of Interests:

The policy of the Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychologu is that all authors indicate conflict of interests in their articles. If there is no conflict, please use the phrase ‘Author (s) declares no conflict of interest’. Please refer to the ICMJE recommendations for guidance on conflict of interest statements.–conflicts-of-interest.html#two

All applications must be accompanied by the ICMJE Conflict of Interest Forms.

Click for Conflict of Interest Form.

Ethics Committee:

Local ethics committee approval should be obtained for researches. In the manuscripts that report the results of the experimental studies, there should be a sentence indicating that the informed consent of the volunteer or the patients were taken after all the procedure(s) is fully described. In the case of such a study, the authors must accept internationally recognized guidelines and Turkish provisions of the regulations and also send the approval of the Ethics Committee from the institution. Studies on animals should be made clear of what has been done to prevent pain and discomfort.

Medical research involving human subjects must be conducted according to the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki.

Submitted manuscripts should conform to the ICMJE Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals.

All papers reporting animal and/or human studies must state in the methods section that the relevant Ethics Committee or Institutional Review Board provided (or waived) approval.

All submissions must be accompanied by a title page.

Write the manuscript title.
Provide the full name and institution of the review committee, in addition to the approval number.
Include a statement to the editor that the paper being submitted has not been published, simultaneously submitted, or already accepted for publication elsewhere.
Include a statement that the manuscript has been read and approved by all the authors, that the requirements for authorship as stated earlier in this document have been met, and that each author believes that the manuscript represents honest work.
The author must declare that the manuscript, to the best of the author’s knowledge, does not infringe upon any copyright or property right of any third party.
Information on informed consent to report individual cases or case series should be included in the manuscript text. A statement is required regarding whether written informed consent for patient information and images to be published was provided by the patient(s) or a legally authorized representative. Please do not submit the patient’s actual written informed consent with your article, as this in itself breaches the patient’s confidentiality. The Journal requests that you confirm to us, in writing, that you have obtained written informed consent, but the written consent itself should be held by the authors/investigators themselves, for example, in a patient’s hospital record. The confirmatory letter may be uploaded with your submission as a separate file.

Please also refer to the ICMJE Recommendations for the Protection of Research Participants.

All research involving animals submitted for publication must be approved by an ethics committee with oversight of the facility in which the studies were conducted. The journal has adopted the Consensus Author Guidelines on Animal Ethics and Welfare for Veterinary Journals published by the International Association of Veterinary Editors.

Clinical Studies:

The Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology complies with the requirement of the ICMJE that clinical trials are recorded in a WHO approved public trials registry as an evaluation condition for publication at or before the initial patient registration. At the end of the abstract, the trial registration name and URL and registration number should be included.

Reporting Guidelines:

Relevant EQUATOR Networkreporting guidelines should be followed depending on the type of study. For example, all randomized controlled trials submitted for publication must include a complete CONSORT flowchart as figure. Systematic reviews and meta-analyzes should be arranged according to the completed PRISMA flowchart. The EQUATOR wizard can help you determine the appropriate grid.

Other resources can be found in NLM’s Research Reporting Guidelines and Initiatives.

Research Data:

As the Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology, we believe that the clarity, transparency and reproducibility of the research should be facilitated. Regarding the subject, we encourage authors to share their research data in an appropriate public repository subject to ethical considerations and to include a data accessibility statement in their article files.


General Information:

The language of the Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology is Turkish and English. Manuscripts should be written in a clear, fluent, simple language and long narratives should be avoided. Turkish equivalents of foreign words and abbreviations must be fully written in parenthesis where they crossed. Generic names of drugs should be used. Footnotes should not be used.

The names of the authors should be placed at the bottom right of one line of the article title and the title, institution, address, telephone, e-mail address should be given with the asterisk (*). Authors / text-specific terminology and / or abbreviations should be explained in footnotes. The author (s) must be the person (s) who makes the work and writes directly.

If the research has received financial support from an organization or has been presented in a congress, it should be placed on the last word of the title of the manuscript (*) and should be indicated as a bottom note.

Articles are on one side of A4 paper size, 2.5 cm on all sides. It should be written with “Times New Roman” font with 12 pt and one and a half line spacing. The Turkish title should not exceed 19 words. Subheadings must be preceded by line spacing, no space between paragraphs and no paragraph indented. Footnotes should be used to provide additional information, not for source representation, should be numbered on the page, written in 10 pt and 1line spacing and justified. The page numbers must also be placed at the bottom with 11 pt.

Accepted articles are published in order.

Preparation of articles

Title page

The Turkish and English title of the article should not exceed 19 words. Abbreviations should not be used in the title. In the article, only the names and surnames of the authors who directly contributed to the study, their titles, and the institutions they work for should be written clearly. Funds and organizations supporting the study should be specified on the title page.

Contact information of the author to be contacted should be written at the bottom of the title page (Author’s name, surname, full address, postal code, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address should be written).


Abstracts should be written in Turkish and English and should contain a maximum of 250 words. The abstract should be organized according to purpose-method-results-discussion sections. Turkish and English key words (3-8) for the article should be given right after the abstracts. English keywords should be given in accordance with “Medical Subject Headings (MESH)” ( Turkish keywords should be in accordance with Turkey Science Terms (TBT) ( Using abbreviations in abstracts should be avoided as much as possible. When abbreviations must be used, they should be used after they are defined in parentheses at the first mention.

Article Text Body:

Research articles: After the abstract, the subtitles of introduction-method and materials-results-discussion-resources should be included, the latest information on the subject should be included, the method should be written clearly, the validity and reliability studies of the measurement tools used and the tests used for evaluation, standard deviation, test values ​​must be specified. In the discussion, the clinical and theoretical benefits of the results, application areas, and innovations should be emphasized. Articles should not exceed 3500 words. The article should contain a maximum of 6 tables or figures. Care should be taken that the number of references does not exceed 50 resources.

Review articles: The purpose, the method used, the sources used, the results obtained should be stated. Articles should not exceed 3500 words. The article should contain a maximum of 6 tables or figures. Care should be taken that the number of references does not exceed 50 resources.

Case reports: Case reports should include introduction, description of the cases, discussion and references sections. The article should not exceed 3000 words. It should be noted that the number of references for typical or rare cases that are found useful in terms of clinical or theoretical education should not exceed 30 references. The number of tables or figures should not exceed 2.

Perspectives: In these articles, experience-based opinions on controversial or controversial issues affecting the profession should be discussed with the introduction of the literature. The article should not exceed 2500 words. Number of Resources should not exceed 20. The number of tables or figures should not be more than 2.

Practical Psychotherapy: In these articles, the introduction and information about psychotherapy application should be discussed in the light of the literature. The article should not exceed 2500 words. Number of Resources should not exceed 20. The number of tables or figures should not be more than 2.

Comments: The features of the article discussed with the introduction should be discussed in the light of the literature. The article should not exceed 2500 words. Number of Resources should not exceed 20. The number of tables or figures should not be more than 2.

Letter: Opinions in which a discussion forum can be formed on various issues in the journal are included in the letter section. The article should not exceed 500 words.

Translation, book and thesis presentation: Translation, book and thesis introductions should be short, an original copy of the translation texts and thesis should be sent. The article should not exceed 500 words.

Thank letter:

The letter of acknowledgment can be added to the individuals who contributed or to the funds and organizations supporting the study, if any.


In-article citations and bibliography in the journal should be shown according to the international APA format. For detailed information, see the Resources section on the website.

Reference in Text

References should be written in parentheses in the text by including the surnames and publication date of the manuscripts. If more than one source is to be shown, the (;) sign must be used between the references. References should be sorted alphabetically.

Single author References;

(Akyolcu, 2007)

References with two authors;

(Sayıner and Demirci, 2007, p. 72)

References with three, four and five authors;

For the first use in the text: (Ailen, Ciambrune and Welch 2000, pp. 12 .13) In repeated use within the text: (Ailen et al., 2000).

References with six and more authors;

(Çavdar et al., 2003)

References in References Section

All references should be given in a separate section at the end of the text in alphabetical order.

Examples of literature writing are given below.


a) Book Example

Onur, B. (1997). Developmental Psychology, Ankara: İmge Kitapevi.

b) Translation of Books

Schuckit MA. (1993). Alcohol and Substance Abuse. K Kamberoglu (trans.), Izmir: Kanyilmaz Matbaasi.

c) Multi Writer Turkish Book

Tonta, Y., Bitirim, Y. and Sever, H. (2002). Performance evaluation in Turkish search engines. Ankara: Total Informatics.

d) English Book

Kamien R., & amp; Kamien, A. (2014). Music: An appreciation. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

e) Section in English Book

Bassett, C. (2006). Cultural studies. In G. Hall & C. Birchall (Eds.), New cultural studies: Adventures in theory (pp. 220 Bir237). Edinburgh, UK: Edinburgh University Press.

f) Section in Turkish Book

Erkmen, T. (2012). Organizational culture: Functions, elements, the importance of business management and leadership. M. Zencirkıran (Ed.), In the book of Organizational Sociology (pp. 233an263). Bursa: Dora Edition Publication.


a) Article

Mutlu, B. and Savaşer, S. (2007). Causes of stress in parents in the intensive care unit after surgery and attempts to reduce. Istanbul University Florence Nightingale Nursing Journal, 15 (60), 179ing182.

b) More Than Seven Writers in Article

Lal, H., Cunningham, A. L., Godeaux, O., Chlibek, R., Diez-Domingo, J., Hwang, S.-J. … Heineman, T. C. (2015). Efficacy of an adjuvanted herpes zoster subunit vaccine in older adults. New England Journal of Medicine, 372, 2087 Medicine2096.

Thesis, Presentation, Paper

a) Thesis

Yellow, E. (2008). Cultural identity and policy: Interculturalism in Mardin. (Unpublished PhD Thesis). Ankara University Institute of Social Sciences, Ankara.

b) Congress Presentation

Çepni, S., Bacanak, A. and Özsevgeç, T. (2001, June). The relation of science teacher candidates attitudes towards science branches and their success in science branches. Paper presented at the X. National Educational Sciences Congress, Abant İzzet Baysal University, Bolu

Tables and Figures:

Tables should be written on a separate page with single spacing. Each table should have a number and descriptive information on top. If abbreviations are included in the table, the expansions of these abbreviations should be placed under the table in the form of subtitles and in alphabetical order.

When using previously printed or electronically published tables, written permission must be obtained from both the author and the publisher, and this must be sent to the editor of the journal by fax or mail.

Transverse and longitudinal lines should not be used in the table, only straight lines should be drawn at the top and bottom.

The visuals and note examples in the articles should be numbered as Figure / Table 1.… with their short explanations centered. All images should be sent separately in JPG format with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi in order to avoid resolution problems in printing. Placements in the text can be changed according to the page layout when necessary.

Tables, graphics, figures and photographs should not be more than six, they should be placed on a separate page and their place in the text should be specified. Periods should not be used in arabic numbers and decimals.

Article Submission:

Article submissions are through the magazine park system and are given below;


Click to download the article submission checklist.


Blind refereeing is a method applied for publishing scientific publications with the highest quality. This method forms the basis of the objective evaluation process of scientific studies and is preferred by many scientific journals. All studies submitted to the Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology are evaluated by blinding according to the following stages.

Blind Arbitration Type:

The Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology uses the double blind method in the evaluation process of all studies. In the double blind method, the identities of the authors and referees of the studies are hidden.

Initial Evaluation Process:

Studies submitted to the Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology are first evaluated by the editors. At this stage, studies that do not comply with the purpose and scope of the journal, are weak in terms of language and expression rules in Turkish and English, contain scientific critical errors, have no original value and do not meet the publication policies are rejected. Authors of rejected studies are informed within one month at the latest from the date of submission. Studies that are deemed appropriate are sent to a field editor for the field of interest for pre-evaluation.

Pre-Evaluation Process:

In the pre-evaluation process, field editors examine the introduction and literature, method, findings, conclusion, evaluation and discussion sections of the studies in detail in terms of journal publishing policies and scope and originality. Studies deemed unsuitable as a result of this review are returned within four weeks at the latest with the field editor’s evaluation report. Studies found appropriate are taken into the refereeing process.

Refereeing Process:

Studies are refereed according to their content and expertise of the referees. The editor of the field who examines the study suggests at least two referees from the referee pool of the Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology, or may suggest new referees suitable for the field of study. The referee suggestions from the field editor are evaluated by the editors and the studies are forwarded to the referees by the editors. Referees must guarantee that they will not share any process and document about the work they evaluate.

Referee Reports:

Referee evaluations are generally; It is based on originality, method used, compliance with ethical rules, consistent presentation of findings and results, and review of the literature. This review is based on the following factors:

Introduction and literature: the evaluation report includes the presentation and aims of the problem in the study, the importance of the subject, the scope of the literature on the subject, its currency and the originality of the study.

Method: The evaluation report includes information on the suitability of the method used, the selection and characteristics of the research group, validity and reliability, as well as an opinion on the data collection and analysis process.

Findings: The evaluation report includes opinions on the presentation of the findings obtained within the framework of the method, the accuracy of the analysis methods, the consistency of the findings reached with the aims of the research, the presentation of the tables, figures and visuals needed, and the conceptual evaluation of the tests used.

Evaluation and discussion: the evaluation report includes discussion of the topic based on the findings, compliance with the research question (s and hypothesis (s), generalizability and applicability.

Conclusion and suggestions: the evaluation report includes a contribution to the literature, an opinion on suggestions for future studies and applications in the field.

Style and expression: the evaluation report includes the opinion about the content of the study title, the use of Turkish in accordance with the rules, the submission and references to the language of the full text in accordance with the examples under the journal publication principles.

General evaluation: the evaluation report includes an opinion about the originality of the study as a whole, and its contribution to the literature and practices in the field.

During the evaluation process, the referees are not expected to make adjustments according to the typographical features of the study.

Referee Evaluation Process:

The time given to the referees for the referee evaluation process is 3 weeks. Correction suggestions from referees or expert editorial board members must be completed by the authors within 3 weeks. Referees can examine the revisions of a work and decide whether it is appropriate or, if necessary, request corrections more than once.

Evaluation Result:

Comments from referees are reviewed by the field editor within two (2) weeks at the latest. As a result of this review, the editor of the field transmits its final decision regarding the study to the editors.

Editorial Board Decision:

Editors prepare editorial board opinions on the study based on the opinions of the field editor and referees. The opinions prepared are forwarded to the author (s) by the editor together with the field editor and referee recommendations within 1 week at the latest. In this process, the works that are given negative opinions are returned without requesting a plagiarism check. The final decision is made according to the results of the plagiarism audit reports for the studies with positive opinions.

Publication Evaluation Process:

It is envisaged that the publication evaluation process of the studies submitted to the Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology will be completed within approximately 3 months. However, the period between the date when the referees or editors request a correction from the author (s) and the date when the author (s) complete the corrections are not included in this 3-month period.

Citation and Reference Control:

According to the publication ethics of the Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology, it is mandatory to cite the articles accurately and completely. Authors must ensure that they have written entirely original works and that if authors have used the works and / or words of others, it is properly quoted or quoted. This audit is done first by the referees during the evaluation and then by the editors according to the result of the similarity-plagiarism (iThenticate) program. All works plagiarism report is also checked over

Early View and Publishing of the Article:

The articles that are edited in the Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology are published in electronic media under the title of “Early View” by giving a Digital Object Identifier (DOI). Minor adjustments can be made, if necessary, while early view articles are published in the journal. Articles in early view are published in volumes and numbers determined by the Editorial Board, by removing the “EARLY VIEW” watermark on it. After the electronic journal is published, the printed version of the Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology, which includes the same articles, is also published in the same month.


The data and full texts of the articles published in the Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology are published as .pdf on the server of TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM DERGİPARK and OCLC WorldCat digital archiving (, ( stored and archived in a closed way. (LOCKSS;

EASE Statement on Quality Standards

The European Association of Science Editors encourages all editors to ensure that reports of research on COVID-19 meet required standards and comply with agreed guidelines, and that any limitations are clearly stated.

Members of EASE have noted poor standards of reporting in many studies related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Medical and public health measures to treat infected patients and to limit the spread of the coronavirus have to be based on high quality evidence if they are to succeed. EASE urges all involved in collecting and publishing data related to the pandemic to adhere to ethical guidelines, and to follow standard reporting guidelines (see, for example CONSORT for clinical trials and STROBE for epidemiological studies. Demographic data should include age and sex of all individuals and follow the SAGER guidelines to ensure that data on sex and gender are fully and correctly reported. We encourage full and open sharing of data where possible.

We recognise that in times of crisis it may not always be possible to obtain all required data, and that reporting may – of necessity – be curtailed. To avoid misinterpretation, but also to facilitate the rapid sharing of information, we encourage editors to ensure that authors include a statement of limitations on their research. This will inform readers and strengthen the usefulness of any published research.

In addition, whilst always advocating high language standards, we acknowledge that to facilitate rapid dissemination of important research it may be necessary to limit editorial involvement to ensuring that the published research is understandable, and not to enforce stringent language requirements on authors.

The relevant statement can be found at the website

Last Update Time: 11/18/20, 10:24:44 AM