Double-Blind Review System

"Double-Blind Review" system is applied in Cappadocia Journal of Education. The evaluation process is carried out in such a way that the authors of the article and the reviewers who supervise the article do not know the identities of each other. The identities of the reviewers who refuse to evaluate the article are also hidden.

Due to the principle of “Blind Reviewer”, communication between reviewers and authors is carried out through the DergiPark system through the Editorial Unit, not among themselves and directly. Articles are sent to three reviewers. The reviewer is given 15 days to accept or reject the article review invitation. If the reviewer refuses to review, a new reviewer is determined. If he accepts, the anonymous text of the article and the review report are sent. The time given to the reviewer to review the article is 15 days. However, if this period is insufficient, a second 15-day period is given. The reviewer process continues until 2 positive or 2 negative reports are received about the article. Reviewers may approve or disapprove of the articles, suggest corrections or suggest corrections and want to see them again.

Last Update Time: 9/9/23, 11:11:08 PM

Cappadocia Journal of Education (KAPED) is indexed by H.W. Wilson Index Education Source Coverage List,  H.W. Wilson Education Source Ultimate Database Coverage List, EBSCO, EuroPub Database, Directory of Research Journal Indexing, Idealonline, ROAD Index, Turkish Religious Foundation Islamic Studies Center (ISAM), Eurasian Scientific Journal Index, AcarIndeks, and OJOP. The review process for many other indexes continues.

The content of the Cappadocia Journal of Education (KAPED) is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike Licence 4.0 (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).


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Cappadocia Jurnal of Education (KAPED) is an open-access journal.