
Research in Educational Administration and Leadership (REAL) is a quarterly-published, non-commercial, open-access, peer-reviewed international journal dedicated to the dissemination of academic research in the field of educational administration and leadership. Manuscripts submitted to REAL are accepted in the English language and may employ diverse research methodologies, including quantitative, qualitative, mixed-methods studies, case studies, reviews, and innovative research practices. The Editorial team also welcomes conceptual papers seeking to address a wide spectrum of issues in the practice and theory of educational administration and leadership.

It is noteworthy that the acceptance and publication of scale development studies within REAL are infrequent. However, a limited number of exceptional, original, and innovative scale development studies may be considered, particularly if they are oriented towards addressing novel challenges in the field of educational leadership. Notably, as of the year 2024, there is an editorial decision to gradually reduce the acceptance of higher education papers for publication. This shift in focus aims to realign the journal's emphasis towards K–12 school administration and leadership, as well as relevant education policies.

The journal of REAL is an open-access publication and, thus, requires no fee for any reason from the authors or third parties.

Prospective authors should consult the ethical guidelines of academic research and writing. See, for example; https://www.bera.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/BERA-Ethical-Guidelines-2011.pdf
E-mail: journalthereal@gmail.com
Twitter: @JournalTheREAL
ISSN: 2564-7261

Mission the Journal of REAL
The mission of the Research in Educational Administration and Leadership (REAL) is to provide the latest research on educational administration and leadership in all levels of K-12 education – from pre-primary to secondary education – based on the first-hand experience, observation, and knowledge of policymakers, practitioners, and researchers in order to form an international matter of discussion for all those working in the field of educational administration and leadership. This journal provides a significant analysis of policy, theory, and methodology related to educational administration and leadership. The REAL seeks articles on timely and critical issues from researchers in all educational settings, including schools, higher education institutions, adult education centers.

Submission to the Journal of REAL
Prospective authors should note that only original and previously unpublished manuscripts will be considered. Manuscripts should follow the APA style edition (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th or 7th edition) including organization and structure, formatting of references, tables, and figures, and all other APA formatting concerns. Submissions must be between 4.000-8.000 words in length.

All manuscript submissions will be forwarded to at least two members of the Editorial Review Board of the journal for double-blind, peer review. The final decision regarding acceptance/revision/rejection will be made by the editor based on the reviews’ comments.

All submissions must be sent electronically at https://dergipark.org.tr/en/journal/329/submission/step/manuscript/new

Last Update Time: 12/23/20, 3:19:30 PM

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