Etik İlkeler ve Yayın Politikası


Journal of Social Sciences and Education (JOSSE) is an international, peer-reviewed, open access and free of charge journal that started its publication life in 2018. It is published in ENGLISH twice a year in May and October.
Journal of Social Sciences and Education (JOSSE) priorities include ensuring high publishing standards. Publication ethics, which is an important issue in line with this priority of the journal, should be aimed at mixing ethical standards by editorial boards, referees and authors and attention should be paid to publication ethics.
The Journal of Social Sciences and Education (JOSSE) is committed to maintaining standards through rigorous peer review in accordance with ethical principles. Violations of professional scientific ethics, such as plagiarism, fabrication and falsification of data, are taken very seriously by the editors without tolerance.
Compliance with ethical standards of behaviour is therefore expected from all parties involved: Authors, Editors, Reviewers and Publisher.
Double-blind peer review and manuscript selection are limited to the research areas covered by the journal. Therefore, the development and acceptance of specific ethical principles is crucial for all involved in the publication process (authors, editors, reviewers and publishers).

The Ethical Principles and Publication Policy of the Journal of Social Sciences and Education (JOSSE) has been prepared by taking into account the rules, practices and policies published by the "Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)" and "Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)".
Journal of Social Sciences and Education (JOSSE) supports ICMJE's definition of authorship and contributors.


1. Ethical Principles and Responsibilities for the Author
- Authors who upload articles to the journal are deemed to accept the legal responsibility of the article they upload. The responsibility for plagiarism lies entirely with the author. If an article is derived from the author's own work, this must be stated in the footnote. No information should be used without citing the source.
- All authors must declare any conflict of interest regarding the manuscript they submit. If financial support was received for the study, this should also be clearly stated.
- Manuscripts submitted to JOSSE for review will first be evaluated for similarity. The similarity rate can be maximum 20% (excluding bibliography).
- The names of the people who contributed to the work submitted for evaluation must be mentioned. In addition, it is not a correct behaviour in terms of scientific ethics to add the name of a person to the text even though he/she did not contribute to the study. In such a case, the responsibility belongs entirely to the author submitting the article.

Multiple, Redundant or Simultaneous Publication:
- Manuscripts should not be submitted to more than one journal for consideration at the same time.
- The submitted work must be original and must not be published elsewhere in any form or language (in whole or in part), unless the new work is an extension of previous work. (Please provide transparency about reuse of material to avoid concerns about text recycling (self-plagiarism).
- A single paper should not be split into several parts to increase the number of submissions, and should not be submitted to several journals or to one journal over time.
- Simultaneous or secondary publication is sometimes justified for translations or articles intended for a different readership, provided that certain conditions are met.
- Publication of some types of articles in more than one journal may sometimes be justified, provided certain conditions are met. More details on acceptable forms of secondary publication can be found at ICMJE.

Results should be presented clearly and honestly, without fabrication, falsification or inappropriate data manipulation (including image-based manipulation). Authors should follow discipline-specific guidelines in the acquisition, selection and processing of data.

Use of Artificial Intelligence: Authors who use artificial intelligence tools in the writing of an article, in the production of images or graphical elements of the article, or in the collection and analysis of data should be transparent in explaining how this was done in the relevant section of the article. Authors are fully responsible for the content of their articles, including the parts generated by an AI tool, and are therefore also liable for any breach of publication ethics. JOSSE supports COPE's "Authorship and AI Tools" approach.

- Falsifying the information and documents used, using expressions that insult individuals and institutions, and denigrating religious and national feelings are expressions that should not be found in academic studies.
- Articles must include a statement that Research and Publication Ethics are complied with.
- If an author notices a significant error in his/her published work, he/she must immediately notify the chief editor and the Editorial Board. In such a case, the author is responsible for co-operating with JOSSE in either withdrawing the manuscript or publishing a correction to the manuscript. If there is evidence of errors or misconduct that significantly affect the results, this may warrant retraction in accordance with the COPE Retraction Guidelines.
- The journal does not accept manuscripts without a plagiarism check.
- Authors should ensure that they have permission to use software, questionnaires, surveys, reviews and scales in their work.
- Research articles and non-research articles (e.g., Opinion, Review and Commentary articles) should cite appropriate and relevant literature to support the claims made. Excessive and inappropriate self-citation or coordinated efforts among several authors to cite themselves collectively is strongly discouraged. Excessive and inappropriate self-citation or coordinated efforts among several authors to collectively quote each other are strongly discouraged.
- Authors should avoid inaccurate statements about an entity (which may be an individual person or a company) or statements that could be seen as personal allegations or attacks on that person.
- Research that could be misapplied in such a way that research could be misused to pose a threat to public health or national security should be clearly indicated in the manuscript (e.g. dual use of research). Examples include the creation of harmful consequences of biological agents or toxins, impairment of immunity by vaccines, unusual hazards in the use of chemicals, weaponisation of research/technology.
- Authors are strongly advised to ensure that the order of the author group, corresponding author and authors is correct at the time of submission. The addition and/or deletion of authors during the revision stages is generally not permitted, except in some cases. Reasons for author changes should be explained in detail. Please note that once an article has been accepted, no changes can be made to the authors.
- All of the above are guidelines and authors are required to respect third party rights such as copyright and/or moral rights.
Authors should be prepared to send relevant documents or data upon request to verify the validity of the results presented. This may be in the form of raw data, samples, records, etc. Sensitive information such as confidential or proprietary data is excluded.
In the event of suspicion of misconduct or allegations of fraud, the Journal and/or the publisher will conduct a review according to Bilgiçağı Education Consultancy and Publishing guidelines. Following the review, if there are valid concerns, the author(s) concerned will be contacted via the email addresses provided and given the opportunity to address the issue. Depending on the situation, the Journal and/or the Publisher may need to implement a range of measures including, but not limited to, the following.
- If the article is still under review, it may be rejected and returned to the author.
- If the article has already been published online, depending on the nature and seriousness of the infringement:
- A correction may be placed on the article
- A commentary statement can be added to the article
- Or, in more serious cases, the article may need to be withdrawn.
The reason for this will be given in the published correction text, annotation or retraction note. Please note that withdrawal means that the article is kept on the platform, flags as "withdrawn" and the reason for withdrawal is attached to the flags with a note.
- The author's institution may be informed about the issue.
- In case of suspected violations of ethical standards in the peer review system, a notification of the issue may be included as part of the bibliographic record of the author and the article.

Basic Errors
- Authors are obliged to correct any errors or inaccuracies in their published manuscripts. The author(s) are asked to contact the journal and explain how the error affects the manuscript. Depending on the nature of the error, a decision is taken on how to correct the manuscript. This decision may be a correction or a retraction. The retraction note should provide transparency about which parts of the manuscript are affected by the error.

Suggesting or Excluding a Reviewer
- Authors may suggest suitable referees and/or request the exclusion of specific individuals when submitting their manuscript. When proposing referees, they should confirm that they are completely independent and in no way affiliated with the study. It is strongly recommended to propose a panel of reviewers from different countries and different institutions. When proposing a referee, the Corresponding Author should provide an institutional e-mail address for each proposed referee, and if this is not possible, a link to their personal homepage or publication record, or a link to their researcher or author ID. Please note that your referee suggestions may help facilitate the peer review process, and that the journal values your suggestions but may not select the suggested referees.

Ethics Committee Approval: In all branches of science, including social sciences, there must be ethics committee approval for studies on humans and animals that require ethics committee approval. The relevant approval must be stated in the article and the document must be attached to the article. Information about the ethics committee approval (name of the committee, date of acceptance and acceptance number) should be included on the first and last page of the article. Before 2020, retrospective ethics committee approval is not required for articles that used research data, produced from master's/doctoral studies (must be specified in the article), applied for publication to the journal in the previous year, accepted but not yet published.
JOSSE ULAKBİLİM supports and complies with the Information on TR Index Ethical Rules.
1. Separate ethics committee approval must be obtained for research in all disciplines, including social sciences, and for clinical and experimental human and animal studies that require ethics committee approval, and this approval must be stated and documented in the article.
2. Under this heading, information about ethical rules should be given under separate headings for referees, authors and editors.
3. Articles should include a statement that Research and Publication Ethics are complied with.
4. By referring to national and international standards, ethical principles should be stated under a separate heading in the journal and/or on the web page. For example; ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors) recommendations and COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) International Standards for Editors and Authors should be taken into consideration in scientific manuscripts submitted to journals.
5. In studies requiring ethics committee authorisation, information about the authorisation (name of the committee, date and number) should be included in the method section and also on the first/last page of the article. In case presentations, information on the signature of the informed consent/assent form should be included in the article.
6. Copyright regulations must be complied with for the intellectual and artistic works used.

Research Requiring Ethics Committee Authorisation

- All kinds of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants using survey, interview, focus group study, observation, experiment, interview techniques,
- Use of humans and animals (including materials/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,
- Clinical trials on humans,
- Research on animals,
- Retrospective studies in accordance with the personal data protection law.
- Indication of receipt of "informed consent form" in case presentations,
- Obtaining and indicating permission from the owners for the use of scales, questionnaires, photographs belonging to others,
- It should be stated that copyright regulations are complied with for the intellectual and artistic works used.

2. Ethical Principles and Responsibilities for Editors
The editor and field editors should have the following ethical duties and responsibilities based on the "COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" and "COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" published open access by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
- The editor of JOSSE is solely and independently responsible for deciding which of the articles submitted to the journal will be published. The validity of the work in question and its importance for researchers and readers play a major role in the decision-making process (COPE Code of Conduct
-All kinds of studies submitted to the journal should be evaluated without any discrimination. The necessary sensitivity should be shown in initiating the evaluation process.
- The editor should ensure that the blind peer review process is fair, impartial and timely. The peer review process must be kept confidential. Typically, research articles should be evaluated by at least two independent external reviewers, and the editor should seek additional opinions as necessary.
- The editor should select reviewers with appropriate expertise in the relevant field, taking into account the need for appropriate, inclusive and diverse opinions.
- The editor should evaluate manuscripts for their intellectual content without regard to the race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnicity, citizenship or political affiliation of the authors.
- The editor should work meticulously both in the process of receiving the manuscript and in the publication phase, and should reject any manuscript that is deemed unfavourable for publication.
- The editor should use the journal's standard electronic submission system for all journal correspondence.
- The editor, together with the publisher, should establish a transparent appeal mechanism against editorial decisions.
- The editor must maintain the confidentiality of all material submitted to the journal and all communications with reviewers, unless otherwise agreed with the authors and reviewers concerned. The editor, in consultation with the publisher, may share certain information with the editors of other journals to investigate articles suspected of misuse where deemed necessary.
- Unpublished material described in a submitted manuscript should not be used in an editor's own research without the express written permission of the author. Privileged information or ideas obtained through peer review should be kept confidential and should not be used for personal benefit.
- The copyright of all articles submitted to JOSSE for publication but not yet published belongs to the respective authors.
- Any potential editorial conflicts of interest should be notified in writing to the publisher prior to the appointment of the editor and updated when new conflicts arise.
- The editor is obliged to accept a study submitted to the journal to the preliminary review stage and to ensure the continuation of the review process unless a serious problem is detected. Editors are also obliged to take into account the positive suggestions made by the referees unless they identify significant problems in the work under review. A new editor should not change any decision made by the previous editor unless he/she detects a serious problem.
- The editor should take measures to protect the credibility of published articles by reviewing and evaluating reported or suspected misconduct with the publisher.
- Such measures will usually involve contacting the author of the article or report and giving due consideration to relevant complaints or allegations, and may include communications to relevant organisations and research bodies.
- The editor should also make appropriate use of the publisher's facilities to detect misconduct such as plagiarism.
An editor should act in accordance with the following principles in the process with the referees:
1. In the selection of referees, he/she should always take into account the subject of the study
2. Inform the arbitrators about the process they will carry out
3. If there is a conflict of interest between the author and the referee, they should intervene.
4. Keep the identities of the referees who will review the manuscript strictly confidential.
5. Support the reviewers to evaluate the manuscripts impartially and in accordance with the principles of scientific ethics.
6. Develop steps to improve the performance of reviewers.
7. Prevent unscientific and rude refereeing approaches
8. Endeavour to continuously expand the referee pool of the journal.

Measures Against Possible Misconduct and Abuse of Office:
- Editors should take precautions against possible misconduct and malpractice. They should take an active role in identifying and evaluating such attempts. If an investigation is to be conducted, they must act objectively and meticulously. The results of the investigation must be communicated to those concerned. If an ethical doubt arises regarding the article, COPE's Flowcharts should be followed.

Protection of Intellectual Property Rights: The editors are responsible for protecting the intellectual property rights of all articles published in the journal and the rights of the journal and the author(s) in cases where these rights are violated. In addition, editors should take the necessary measures to ensure that the content of all published articles does not violate the intellectual property rights of other publications. JOSSE supports COPE's "Intellectual Property Policies and Procedures".

Complaints and Appeals: Editors should investigate complaints from authors, reviewers, or readers and respond to them in a descriptive and informative manner. Complaints and Appeals cases are handled by the journal's Editorial Board under the COPE Guidelines. Objections should be based on the scientific content of the article.

3. Ethical Principles for Reviewers
- Declares that the article evaluation process is the responsibility of the editor.
- The editor declares that his/her judgement is independent.
- It uses the power of disinterested communication.
- It is obliged to direct its target audience correctly.
- Provides open, electronic and free access to the journal on the journal page.
- Protects the ownership and copyright of each published article.
- Undertakes the archiving of each published article.
- If he/she encounters an unethical problem, he/she communicates with the author(s).

Impartiality and Objectivity: All applications will be evaluated according to their content and evaluations will be made objectively. Criticisms/evaluations that go beyond the content of the article are not appropriate. This includes any personal criticism of the author. Manuscripts are judged on their intellectual content, regardless of the authors' gender, religious beliefs, ethnicity, race, nationality or political views.
- The referees should express their criticisms of the content of the article clearly and with useful arguments. Reviewers should also point to published work on the topic under review that is not included in the article and endeavour to improve the quality of the publication. They are also obliged to draw the editorial board's attention to strong similarities or overlaps of the contribution under review with another published work, if known.
- Manuscripts sent to referees for evaluation should be treated as confidential documents. They may not be shared with third parties or discussed without the authorisation and approval of the JOSSE Editorial Board. The content of unpublished manuscripts cannot be used by the referees in another study without the author's permission.
- Within the time frame given to the referee, the evaluation of the study should be made and the results should be uploaded to the system. This approach is important both for the publication process of the journal and for the realisation of the academic wishes and expectations of the researcher. If the referee concludes that it is not possible to complete the review of the article within the time given to him/her, he/she should convey this information to the editor so that the article can be sent to another referee.
- If unethical situations related to the work being evaluated that the editors have not noticed are detected by the referees, they should be immediately notified to the journal editors.
- Due care should be taken to ensure that the referee himself/herself is not victimised in the criticisms and legal sanctions that the referee will receive in the subsequent process for articles that are not fully read or reported after being examined in a sloppy manner.
- Referees carry out their evaluations through the online DergiPark system. For DergiPark refereeing processes, see "Referee Process Screens".
Journal of Social Sciences and Education (JOSSE) continues its publication life with the voluntary support of our referees and free of charge. It is expected that the field experts who are sent a review request will fulfil this task as much as possible. For this reason, if they do not fulfil the role of referee without justification or if they are sloppy referees, firstly, the relevant field experts will not be invited to referee again for 1 year and the studies they will send during the same period will not be evaluated. In case they refuse to be a referee for the second time, perform sloppy refereeing or display an unethical approach, they will not be invited to be a referee again and their studies will definitely not be evaluated.

Referee Review
Manuscripts whose all files have been uploaded to the system and which comply with the specified publication principles and spelling rules are sent to at least two referees determined by the editorial board for evaluation. This process is carried out as double-blind refereeing. During the process, author and referee information is kept confidential for both parties. Referees are selected by the editorial board for the evaluation process of the articles according to their fields of expertise. Referee feedbacks are also sent to the editor via the system with evaluation reports or related editing files.
During the refereeing process, authors and referees do not communicate directly, the necessary communication is provided by the editors via DergiPark e-mail. Referee reports are forwarded to the author and author edits are forwarded to the referee by the editorial board.

- Articles that receive the "publishable" opinion of at least two referees are taken into the publication phase and published open access on our web page according to the order determined by the Editorial Board. Even if the referees have a favourable opinion, the publication of the articles depends on the decision of the editorial board.
- Journal of Social Sciences and Education (JOSSE), all articles submitted for evaluation and publication are subjected to at least double-blind peer review for originality, ethical issues and useful contributions. Editorial and referee decisions will be the sole means and final for the publication of articles in the journal.

Article Withdrawal Status
Withdrawal of articles submitted to our journal continues in accordance with DergiPark rules.

Unpublished Article Withdrawal
- Articles can only be retracted if they have not been officially published. To retract an article, the authors must write a clear and short letter with an in-depth explanation of why the article should be retracted. The letter must be signed by all authors. The journal reserves the right to retract an article for plagiarism, fraudulent use of data, or other violations of ethical rules.
- Articles officially published on the website may be withdrawn. A note signed by the authors entitled "Withdrawal: [article title]" will be published on the website as part of the next issue. The original link will contain the article but will include a watermark and will precede the note. The HTML version will be removed.

Unethical Behaviour: If you encounter any unethical behaviour or content in JOSSE other than the ethical responsibilities mentioned above, please inform the journal by sending an e-mail to


Publication Interval: JOSSE is published twice a year, in May and October.

Publication Language: As of May 2023, only manuscripts written in English will be evaluated.

Article Submission
- The submission and follow-up of the articles in English is done electronically from our DergiPark system WEB page.
- Authors must first register to the DergiPark system from the web address for researchers. For registered authors, the Submit Article steps of the Journal of Social Sciences and Education should be followed. Before submitting the manuscript, the Purpose and Scope, Research and Publication Ethics, Writing Rules (APA 7), and other sections on the home page of the journal should be examined and taken into consideration. Researchers should use the journal's Article Template for their articles.

Preliminary Control
Before proceeding to the evaluation stage, the articles are examined by the editorial board in terms of spelling rules, similarity report, ethics committee report and copyright form files and their suitability. Articles that do not comply with the publication principles and spelling rules and have missing files are returned to the author at the Pre-Control stage for correction and completion.
- The corresponding author submits the article application through the Online Journal System.
-Articles must be prepared according to the journal ARTICLE TEMPLATE and APA 7 rules.
When uploading the article to the journal, the Copyright Form and Author Contribution Form must be filled in and signed and attached to the relevant field in pdf form.

Plagiarism Policy
- Manuscripts are first scanned by plagiarism software (iThenticate or Turnitin) and returned if there is more than 20% similarity, excluding references. Plagiarism scanning of an article is done by DergiPark. At the same time, a similarity report can be uploaded by the author. The consequences of plagiarism behaviour, which is considered Academic Dishonesty, are the sole responsibility of the author. JOSSE is committed to protecting intellectual property rights. It is also committed to encouraging this behaviour. If there is plagiarism in an article, the quality and innovation of that work is open to discussion. Authors who want to produce a quality academic work are expected to avoid plagiarism and comply with ethical principles. If plagiarism is detected in a work under review or in a published work, the situation is examined by the relevant Field Editor and the Editorial Board. Then, the author is contacted and an explanation is requested within 20 days. If no response is received from the author, the institution or organisation of which the author is a member is contacted and the claim is requested to be examined. The decision is made within the scope of the review carried out within the journal and the report from the relevant institution/organisation. COPE's flow chart in case of "plagiarism in a submitted article" or "plagiarism in a published article" is also taken into consideration.
- All manuscripts submitted for review are meticulously read by the relevant editors and the pre-reviewer after being scanned in the plagiarism programme, and it is determined whether they are academically and ethically appropriate to the journal's publication policy, scope and theme. Manuscripts that are found to be inappropriate are returned to the author without being subjected to the next evaluation stage, stating the reason. The editorial board reserves the right to reject articles that are not original or not prepared in accordance with the article writing rules. Returned and rejected manuscripts are not re-evaluated. The preliminary control process takes place in a period of 4-12 weeks. At this stage, the manuscript appears in the "in secretarial" status. Messages sent by the author regarding the status of the manuscript will not be responded to.

Article Withdrawal:
- The right to withdraw the article is maintained according to the process followed by DergiPark.

- Peer review helps the editor to make editorial decisions and, through editorial dialogue with the author, can help the author to improve the manuscript.
Scientifically reviewed articles;
- Published if each reviewer gives a "publishable" report.
- If one of the referees reports "publishable" and the other reports "unpublishable", the article is sent to a third referee and a decision is made in accordance with the report of the third referee.
- If the referees suggest corrections, the article is sent back to the author to make the necessary corrections. Corrections are made by the author within one month at the latest and submitted to the journal. The corrected article is evaluated by the referees again. If the author objects to the referee's opinion during the evaluation phase of the manuscript, another referee's opinion is sought.
- If one or both of the referees report that the manuscript "can be published after corrections", the manuscript is sent back to the authors to make the necessary arrangements.
- Articles that receive the favourable opinion of two referees can be accepted with the decision of the editorial board, while articles with negative opinions of two referees are rejected.
- As of 2023 May, our journal only accepts scientific studies written in English. If the English articles are not prepared in an academic style and according to the language rules, the relevant article will be rejected in the preliminary review. Such articles must be prepared with a professional approach.

Double Blind Reviewing: The system organised for peer review does not allow authors and reviewers to see each other's names. JOSSE adopts the principle of double blind refereeing. When the manuscript is first uploaded to the system, information about the author and ethical information should not be included in the manuscript text. After the manuscript is approved for publication and before it is uploaded in its final form, Name-Surname, Institutional Information (ENG), email and Orcid ID, Footnote and ethical information should be written as specified in the template.
- Each submitted manuscript is evaluated by at least 2 referees who are considered to be experts in the relevant field.
- Manuscripts prepared for peer review are sent to two referees related to the field to be evaluated and reported within 45 days at the latest. If the referees do not respond to the invitation, the invitation is resent to the referees to respond within an additional 15-day period. If the invitation is not accepted by one or two of the referees, the invitation is sent to new referees so that the study can be evaluated by three referees. Two reviewers are also required for Book Reviews.
- If the referees do not evaluate the manuscript within 45 days, an additional 15 days is given. The referees carry out their evaluations on the Referee Evaluation Form created by the JOSSE editorial board.
- The referees evaluate the article in terms of originality, contribution to the field, effectiveness of the method used, compliance with ethical rules, holistic presentation of findings and results, level of research on the relevant sources and literature, style and language used, and report as "Major Revision", "Minor Revision", "Reject", "Accept".
- As a result of the evaluations made, the manuscript that is deemed "publishable" by at least two referees is accepted and placed in the most appropriate queue for publication. The chief editor makes the final decision on the publication date. If two of the referee evaluations are negative, the article is returned to the author with the relevant reports.
- Corrections are requested to be uploaded to the system within 30 days after the necessary checks and corrections are made by the author. Articles not uploaded within this period are removed from the system.
- In this step, spelling and language control is performed on the corrected version received from the author before publication.
- The decision on whether the manuscripts submitted to the journal will be published or not is made within 12 months at the latest and the author is informed.
- In order to provide diversity on an institutional basis, care is taken not to publish too many articles from the same institution in one issue.
- If the article has more than one author, the names of these authors must be entered into the article upload system when the article is uploaded. If the author names are missing, a request can be made to the journal to add the author name only during the preliminary review phase. New author names are not added to articles that are in the referee process or accepted.
- All rights of the article belong to the author. In this context, the author retains the copyright of the work and gives the journal the first right to publish.
- Our journal is equal to all authors. Please do not request privileges for the publication of any work. No guarantee is given regarding the publication or publication date of any article. Do not offer your work to be evaluated by requesting an acceptance letter. These conditions also apply to members of the editorial board.

- The final version of accepted manuscripts is sent to the layout editor for preparation of the galley proof. Authors are asked to review the typeset drafts of their manuscripts before publication for final checking.
- The final pre-publication version is sent to the Language Editor for review.
- All articles receive a DOI number in their final form and are published online as pdf files. They are indexed in the relevant databases in this way.


- To ensure that all articles published in JOSSE are preserved and permanently accessible, manuscripts are stored in the DergiPark ARCHIVE infrastructure, which is available as a national archive and also allows LOCKSS to collect, preserve and present content. Authors are also encouraged to store the final version of their manuscripts in open archives that comply with Open Archives Initiative standards.


- JOSSE adopts an open access policy. JOSSE supports the Budapest Open Access Initiative. There are many degrees and types of wider and easier access to scientific literature. In this declaration, open access is defined as "the ability of scientific literature to be accessed, read, saved, copied, printed, scanned, linked to full text, indexed, exported as data to software, and used for any lawful purpose, without financial, legal or technical barriers through the Internet". The restriction on reproduction-distribution and the role of copyright in this field should be given to authors to control the integrity of their own work, so that it can be properly recognised and cited. Based on these explanations, the open access policies adopted by the JOSSE editorial board can be found 
Journal of Social Sciences and Education (JOSSE) does not receive any help or support from any institution or organisation.

Copyright: All publication rights of the articles published in the journal belong to JOSSE. An article published in the journal cannot be reprinted in any other publication without the written permission of JOSSE.

Son Güncelleme Zamanı: 8.05.2024 22:08:32