Indexing Status Disclaimer

Journal of Gifted Education and Creativity (JGEDC) displays the indexes and links to which it is indexed on its website. It is not responsible for the fact that the relevant links do not work due to the situation such as the indexes updating their websites during the beginning and process of indexing. In addition, JGEDC never assumes responsibility for the publication of the articles of the authors from the submit process and then reflecting the relevant indexes to the database. Each author is responsible for checking and verifying the indexes on which JGEDC is indexed. In case of discontinued from any index, JGEDC makes the necessary arrangements on the website within one week of receiving the information as a requirement of this situation. It is assumed that every author submitting for an article to JGEDC has read and accepted this statement.

Updated 20th January 2023

Last Update Time: 1/21/23, 12:06:02 AM