
Article submission deadline: Nov 01, 2023 Published Online: (Vol 7) Dec 30, 2023

Indexing: DRJI, Asos Index, Rootindexing, Cosmos index IF: 2021: 3.202

JAER is an open-access, international journal. We strictly support open access policy, so all the published articles are available for download for free. The journal accepts Turkish and English language manuscripts one time a year including in December regularly. Printed in Turkey.

JAER will carry original research papers, JAER researches covers of qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods and approaches in all areas of the education field. The e-journal aims to achieve the advancement of knowledge in the field of educational sciences and to offer an integrated view of the field by presenting approaches of multiple disciplines. Submitted articles will be considered by the editors and if it meets the aims and scope of the journal, it will then enter the formal peer-reviewing process. After initial editors screening, two independent referees will be allocated for each paper. In the case of a difference of opinion, additional views will be sought from a third referee. Then the referee reports are sent to the authors. The views expressed in the papers are under the responsibility of the author(s). All the intellectual property rights of the papers accepted for the publication belong to JAER indefinitely.

JAER is a peer-reviewed international journal that publishes articles in all fields of Educational Sciences and is scanned in international indexes.

JAER Eğitim Bilimlerinin tüm alanlarında makaleler yayınlayan uluslararası indekslerde taranan hakemli uluslararası bir dergidir.