Research Article
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Music Notation Software for Smartphones: A Mobile Application Developed for Educational Purposes / Akıllı Telefonlar için Müzik Notasyon Yazılımı: Eğitsel Amaçlar Doğrultusunda Geliştirilmiş Bir Mobil Uygulama

Year 2023, Volume: 14 Issue: 5, 607 - 627, 22.10.2023


Considering the advantages of mobile learning, in this study a free music notation software (MNS) named Musical Ear Training - Theory is developed using the Unity game engine. The MNS enables users to create, save, edit, listen, and share melodies through virtual classrooms. The study group comprised 21 students and 2 teachers from a Fine Arts High School located in the Central Anatolian Region of Turkey. As a part of the Western Music Theory and Practice course, under the guidance of teachers, the students used MNS on their personal smartphones during and outside classes for a period of 4 weeks. After the implementation, a semi-structured interview was conducted with the participating students and teachers using a form to obtain their opinions on the MNS, and a content analysis was also performed using these data. The analysis revealed that participant’ opinions on the MNS were predominantly positive. The students were able to conduct several exercises in areas, such as solfeggio, dictation and composition, using MNS. Owing to the virtual classroom feature of the software, the teachers were able to share their solfeggio and dictation melodies with students via the internet, and the students were able to perform assignments outside the classroom. Implications for practice or policy: Instructors should be aware of current music education applications in mobile stores. Music education researchers should work collaboratively with technology experts to carry out joint projects on the development of music education applications. Institutional administrators should create the necessary infrastructure by encouraging the use of Musical Ear Training - Theory and other similar applications by students and teachers.


  • Al-Jarrah, J. M., Talafhah, R. H., & Al-Jarrah, T. M. (2019). ESL teacher, student, and parent perceptions about barriers and criteria for using educational mobile applications to develop the language skills of ESL elementary school students. International Journal of English Research, 5(1), 20–32.
  • Ayderova, V., Yi, W. H., Wong, C., & Augustine, C. (2021). Music notation software as a visual-aural model in self-regulated practice. Social Sciences, 11(12), 344–360.
  • Aykaç, M. (2011). The effect of creative drama activities on children’s narration skills set up with child literature texts in Turkish teaching [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Ankara University.
  • Aytaçlı, B. (2012). A detailed analysis on case study. Adnan Menderes University Faculty of Education Journal of Educational Sciences, 3(1), 1–9.
  • Baltacı, A. (2018). A conceptual review of sampling methods and sample size problems in qualitative research. Journal of Bitlis Eren University Institute of Social Sciences, 7(1), 231–274.
  • Baran, E. (2014). A review of research on mobile learning in teacher education. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 17(4), 17–32.
  • Bayrak, M., Karaman, A., & Kurşun, E. (2014). Determining the usability problems of interactive LCD panel whiteboards used in the FATİH project. Mersin University Journal of the Faculty of Education, 10(2), 28–50.
  • Bülbül, H. İ., Batmaz, İ., Şahin, Y. G., Küçükali, M., Balta, Ö. C., & Balta, C. K. (2006). Web-based instruction trainer design. TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 5(2), 84–88.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş., Çakmak, E. K., Akgün, Ö. E., Karadeniz, S. and Demirel, F. (2011). Scientific research methods (9th ed.). Pegem Academy Publishing.
  • C Sharp. (2022, September 9). In Wikipedia.
  • Chen, J. C. W. (2020). Mobile composing: Professional practices and impact on students’ motivation in popular music. International Journal of Music Education, 38(1), 147–158.
  • Chen, S. H. (1992). A computer-based music notation instruction program for Chinese students [Doctoral dissertation, University of Illinois]. Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.
  • Chung, S. M., & Wu, C. T. (2017). Designing music games and mobile apps for early music learning. In Serious Games and Edutainment Applications (pp. 57–75). Springer, Cham.
  • Corbeil, J. R., & Valdes-Corbeil, M. E. (2007). Are you ready for mobile learning? Educause Quarterly, 30(2), 51–58.
  • Çoruk, A., & Tutkun, T. (2018). Teacher concerns towards the FATIH project in education. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 17(4), 42–53.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2007). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five traditions (2nd ed.). Sage Publications.
  • Ekici, S., & Yılmaz, B. (2013). An evaluation on FATIH project. The Journal of Turkish Librarianship, 27(2), 317–339.
  • Finale (2023, March 13). Music Notation Software.
  • Foti, M. K., & Mendez, J. (2014). Mobile learning: How students use mobile devices to support learning. Journal of Literacy and Technology, 15(3), 58–78.
  • Garrison, D. R., Anderson, T., & Archer, W. (1999). Critical inquiry in a text-based environment: Computer conferencing in higher education. The Internet and Higher Education, 2(2-3), 87-105.
  • Garrison, D. R., Anderson, T., & Archer, W. (2001). Critical thinking, cognitive presence, and computer conferencing in distance education. American Journal of Distance Education, 15(1), 7-23.
  • Gibson, W., & Brown, A. (2009). Working with qualitative data (1st ed.). Sage Publication.
  • Goncharova, M. S., & Gorbunova, I. B. (2020). Mobile technologies in the process of teaching music theory. Propositos y Representaciones, 8(3), 705–722.
  • Gorgoretti, B. (2019). The use of technology in music education in North Cyprus according to student music teachers. South African Journal of Education, 39(1). 1-10.
  • Güçlü, H., Koçer, S., & Dündar, O. (2021). Application of augmented reality in music education. The Eurasia Proceedings of Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics, 14, 45–56.
  • Huck, S. W. (1996). Reading statistics and research (4th ed.). Pearson
  • Ji, Y. (2016). An experimental study on the teenagers’ music cognition and acquisition process based on app music game. In 2nd International Conference on Arts, Design and Contemporary Education 23-25 May 2016 (pp. 259–262). Atlantis Press.
  • Kaptan, Z. (2009) Derslik Değiştirmenin müzik öğretmenliği öğrencileri üzerine etkileri. C.Ü. Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 35(2), 205-211.
  • King, A., Prior, H., & Waddington-Jones, C. (2019). Connect resound: Using online technology to deliver music education to remote communities. Journal of Music, Technology & Education, 12(2), 201-217.
  • Kiraly, Z. (2003). Solfeggio 1: A vertical ear training instruction assisted by the computer. International Journal of Music Education, 1, 41–58.
  • Kırbaş, A. (2018). Student views on using smart boards in Turkish education. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 6(5), 1040–1049.
  • Koçak, O., & Gülcü, A. (2013). Teachers’ remarks on interactive whiteboard with LCD panel technology. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology, 1(4), 294–300.
  • Kurtuldu, M. K. & Kubaliç, C. D. (2023). Impact of walking game activity on teaching of asymmetrical rhythms in piano education, E-International Journal of Educational Research, 14 (4, 180-194. DOI:
  • Lai, C. L., Hwang, G. J., Liang, J. C., & Tsai, C. C. (2016) Differences between mobile learning environmental preferences of high school teachers and students in Taiwan: A structural equation model analysis, Educational Technology Research and Development, 64, 533–554. 9432-y
  • Martin, F., & Ertzberger, J. (2013). Here and now mobile learning: An experimental study on the use of mobile technology. Computers & Education, 68, 76–85.
  • McKerlich, R., Riis, M., Anderson, T., & Eastman, B. (2011). Student perceptions of teaching presence, social presence, and cognitive presence in a virtual world. Journal of Online Learning and Teaching. 7(3). 324-336.
  • MEB. (2018, September 9). Fine arts high school Western music theory and practice course 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grades curriculum.
  • Mehdipour, Y., & Zerehkafi, H. (2013). Mobile learning for education: Benefits and challenges. International Journal of Computational Engineering Research, 3(6), 93–101.
  • Merriam, S. B. (1998). Qualitative research and case study applications in education (2nd ed.). Jossey-Bass Microsoft Store (2022, September 9). PC application store.
  • Musical Ear Training-Theory. (2022a, September 9). Musical ear training–theory published on Google Play Store. Google Play.
  • Musical Ear Training-Theory. (2022b, September 9). Musical ear training–theory published on the AppStore store. AppStore.
  • My Ear Training. (2022, September 9). My ear training app published on Google Play Store. Play Store.
  • Ng, S. C., Lui, A. K., & Kwok, A. C. (2015). Easy-to-learn piano: A mobile application for learning basic music theory and piano skill. International Conference on Technology in Education 2-4 July 2015 (pp. 103–112). Springer.
  • O’Connel, M., & Smith, J. (2007). A guide to working with m-learning standards. Australian Flexible Learning Framework, 1–38.
  • Öğülmüş, S. (1991). Content analysis. Ankara University Journal of Faculty of Educational Sciences, 1(24), 213–228.
  • Okeke, I. N. (2020). Has mobile learning (m-learning) taken over music pedagogy? PREORC Journal of Arts and Humanities, 5(1), 149–171.
  • Özdamlı, F., & Yıldız, E. P. (2014). Parents’ views towards improve parent-school collaboration with mobile technologies. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 131, 361–366.
  • Özgül, Y. (2016). The effects of computer assisted melodic dictation instruction on student achievement [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Gazi University.
  • Paule-Ruiz, M., Álvarez-García, V., Pérez-Pérez, JR, Álvarez-Sierra, M., & Trespalacios-Menéndez, F. (2017). Music learning in preschool with mobile devices. Behavior & Information Technology, 36(1), 95–111.
  • Perfect Ear. (2022, September 9). An application published on the Google Play Store. Play Store.
  • Pierce, C., Woodward, C. J., & Bartel, A. (2020). Learning management models in serious mobile music games. In Proceedings of the Australasian Computer Science Week Multiconference in February 4-6. (pp. 1–7).
  • Prasso, N. M. (1997). An examination of the effect of writing melodies, using a computer based song-writing program, on high school students’ individual learning of sight-singing skills [Doctoral dissertation, Columbia University]. Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.
  • Radesky, J. S., Eisenberg, S., Kistin, C. J., Gross, J., Block, G., Zuckerman, B., & Silverstein, M. (2016). Overstimulated consumers or next-generation learners? Parent tensions about child mobile technology use. The Annals of Family Medicine, 14(6), 503–508.
  • Richardson, J. C. (2001). Examining social presence in online courses in relation to students’ perceived learning and satisfaction. [Doctoral dissertation, State University of New York at Albany]. Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.
  • Schofield, J. W. (1993). Increasing the generalizability of qualitative research. In M. Hammersley (Ed.), Educational research: Current issues (pp. 91–113). Paul Chapman Publishing.
  • Subaşı, M., Okumuş, K. (2017). Bir araştırma yöntemi olarak durum çalışması. Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 21(2): 419-426.
  • Teen, L. B., Ramli, A. B. H., & Ying, L. F. (2014). Raising interest with software integration in music notation learning. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 143, 379–383.
  • Terzioğlu, A. M. (2023). Ortaokul ve liselerde görev yapan müzik öğretmenlerinin müzik derslerinde kullandıkları çalgıların tespiti, E-Uluslararası Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 14 (4), 386-401. DOI:
  • Tejada, J. (2009). Hearing music notation through music score software: Effects on students’ music reading and writing. International Journal of Learning, 16 (6), 17–32.
  • Toprakçı, E. (2016). Eğitimbilim pedandragoji. Içinde Eğitimbilim Pedandragoji, 130-173. (Ed.: Erdal Toprakçı) Ankara: Ütopya Yayınevi
  • Uçan, A. (1997). Müzik eğitimi. Ankara: Müzik Ansiklopedisi Yayınları.
  • Unity. (2022a, September 9). Unity game engine.
  • Unity. (2022b, September 9). In Wikipedia.
  • Uzun, N., & Keleş, Ö. (2012). Determining factors effecting on primary school students’ motivation towards science learning. Mustafa Kemal University Journal of Social Sciences Institute, 9(20), 313–327.
  • Villani Jr, A. D. (2014). An appraisal of the use of computer music notation software among selected high school music teachers [Doctoral dissertation, Boston University]. Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.
  • Yarman, O. (2010). Main domestic software for representing Turkish makam music on computer. In Music Representation Musical Representation Symposium II 19-22 October 2010 (pp. 324–331). I.T.U. Turkish Music State Conservatory Musicology Department.
  • Yel, M., & Ural, A. (2020). The opinions of teachers about homework in education. Journal of Research in Education and Society, 7(2), 420–445.
  • Yıldırım, A., & Şimşek, H. (2011). Qualitative research methods in social sciences (5th ed). Seçkin Publishing.
  • Yin, R. (1984). Case study research: Design and methods. (3th ed.). Sage.

Akıllı Telefonlar için Müzik Notasyon Yazılımı: Eğitsel Amaçlar Doğrultusunda Geliştirilmiş Bir Mobil Uygulama / Music Notation Software for Smartphones: A Mobile Application Developed for Educational Purposes

Year 2023, Volume: 14 Issue: 5, 607 - 627, 22.10.2023


Bu çalışmada, mobil öğrenmenin avantajları göz önüne alınarak, Unity oyun motoru üzerinde ücretsiz bir müzik notasyon yazılımı (Müziksel Kulak Eğitimi – Teori) geliştirilmiştir. MNY, kullanıcılara sanal sınıflar aracılığıyla ezgiler oluşturma, kaydetme, düzenleme, dinleme ve paylaşma olanağı sunar. Araştırmanın çalışma grubu, Türkiye'nin İç Anadolu Bölgesi'nde bulunan bir güzel sanatlar lisesinde görev yapan 2 öğretmen ve 21 öğrenciden oluşmaktadır. Batı müziği teorisi ve uygulaması dersinin bir parçası olarak öğrenciler, 4 haftalık bir süre boyunca öğretmenlerin rehberliğinde kişisel akıllı telefonlarında MNY'yi ders sırasında ve ders dışında kullanmışlardır. Uygulamanın ardından, öğrenciler ve öğretmenlere, MNY hakkındaki görüşlerini elde etmek amacıyla yarı yapılandırılmış bir görüşme formu uygulanmış ve elde edilen veriler kullanılarak içerik analizi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Analiz sonrasında katılımcıların MNY ile ilgili görüşlerinin genellikle olumlu olduğu ortaya konulmuştur. Öğrenciler, MNY’yi kullanarak solfej, dikte ve besteleme gibi birçok alanda egzersizler yapabilmişlerdir. Yazılımın sanal sınıf özelliği sayesinde öğretmenler, solfej ve dikte melodilerini internet aracılığıyla öğrencilerle paylaşabilmiş ve öğrenciler sınıf dışında ödevlerini yapabilme imkanı bulmuşlardır. Elde edilen veriler ve alanyazın incelemesi doğrultusunda aşağıda bazı öneriler sunulmuştur: Eğitmenler, mobil uygulama mağazalarındaki güncel müzik eğitimi uygulamalarının farkında olmalıdır. Müzik eğitimi araştırmacıları, müzik eğitimi uygulamalarının geliştirilmesi üzerine ortak projeler gerçekleştirmek için teknoloji uzmanlarıyla işbirliği yapmalıdır. Kurumsal yöneticiler, öğrenci ve öğretmenlerin 'Müziksel Kulak Eğitimi – Teori’ gibi benzer uygulamaları kullanmalarını teşvik ederek gerekli altyapının oluşturulmasında öncü olmalıdır.


  • Al-Jarrah, J. M., Talafhah, R. H., & Al-Jarrah, T. M. (2019). ESL teacher, student, and parent perceptions about barriers and criteria for using educational mobile applications to develop the language skills of ESL elementary school students. International Journal of English Research, 5(1), 20–32.
  • Ayderova, V., Yi, W. H., Wong, C., & Augustine, C. (2021). Music notation software as a visual-aural model in self-regulated practice. Social Sciences, 11(12), 344–360.
  • Aykaç, M. (2011). The effect of creative drama activities on children’s narration skills set up with child literature texts in Turkish teaching [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Ankara University.
  • Aytaçlı, B. (2012). A detailed analysis on case study. Adnan Menderes University Faculty of Education Journal of Educational Sciences, 3(1), 1–9.
  • Baltacı, A. (2018). A conceptual review of sampling methods and sample size problems in qualitative research. Journal of Bitlis Eren University Institute of Social Sciences, 7(1), 231–274.
  • Baran, E. (2014). A review of research on mobile learning in teacher education. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 17(4), 17–32.
  • Bayrak, M., Karaman, A., & Kurşun, E. (2014). Determining the usability problems of interactive LCD panel whiteboards used in the FATİH project. Mersin University Journal of the Faculty of Education, 10(2), 28–50.
  • Bülbül, H. İ., Batmaz, İ., Şahin, Y. G., Küçükali, M., Balta, Ö. C., & Balta, C. K. (2006). Web-based instruction trainer design. TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 5(2), 84–88.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş., Çakmak, E. K., Akgün, Ö. E., Karadeniz, S. and Demirel, F. (2011). Scientific research methods (9th ed.). Pegem Academy Publishing.
  • C Sharp. (2022, September 9). In Wikipedia.
  • Chen, J. C. W. (2020). Mobile composing: Professional practices and impact on students’ motivation in popular music. International Journal of Music Education, 38(1), 147–158.
  • Chen, S. H. (1992). A computer-based music notation instruction program for Chinese students [Doctoral dissertation, University of Illinois]. Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.
  • Chung, S. M., & Wu, C. T. (2017). Designing music games and mobile apps for early music learning. In Serious Games and Edutainment Applications (pp. 57–75). Springer, Cham.
  • Corbeil, J. R., & Valdes-Corbeil, M. E. (2007). Are you ready for mobile learning? Educause Quarterly, 30(2), 51–58.
  • Çoruk, A., & Tutkun, T. (2018). Teacher concerns towards the FATIH project in education. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 17(4), 42–53.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2007). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five traditions (2nd ed.). Sage Publications.
  • Ekici, S., & Yılmaz, B. (2013). An evaluation on FATIH project. The Journal of Turkish Librarianship, 27(2), 317–339.
  • Finale (2023, March 13). Music Notation Software.
  • Foti, M. K., & Mendez, J. (2014). Mobile learning: How students use mobile devices to support learning. Journal of Literacy and Technology, 15(3), 58–78.
  • Garrison, D. R., Anderson, T., & Archer, W. (1999). Critical inquiry in a text-based environment: Computer conferencing in higher education. The Internet and Higher Education, 2(2-3), 87-105.
  • Garrison, D. R., Anderson, T., & Archer, W. (2001). Critical thinking, cognitive presence, and computer conferencing in distance education. American Journal of Distance Education, 15(1), 7-23.
  • Gibson, W., & Brown, A. (2009). Working with qualitative data (1st ed.). Sage Publication.
  • Goncharova, M. S., & Gorbunova, I. B. (2020). Mobile technologies in the process of teaching music theory. Propositos y Representaciones, 8(3), 705–722.
  • Gorgoretti, B. (2019). The use of technology in music education in North Cyprus according to student music teachers. South African Journal of Education, 39(1). 1-10.
  • Güçlü, H., Koçer, S., & Dündar, O. (2021). Application of augmented reality in music education. The Eurasia Proceedings of Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics, 14, 45–56.
  • Huck, S. W. (1996). Reading statistics and research (4th ed.). Pearson
  • Ji, Y. (2016). An experimental study on the teenagers’ music cognition and acquisition process based on app music game. In 2nd International Conference on Arts, Design and Contemporary Education 23-25 May 2016 (pp. 259–262). Atlantis Press.
  • Kaptan, Z. (2009) Derslik Değiştirmenin müzik öğretmenliği öğrencileri üzerine etkileri. C.Ü. Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 35(2), 205-211.
  • King, A., Prior, H., & Waddington-Jones, C. (2019). Connect resound: Using online technology to deliver music education to remote communities. Journal of Music, Technology & Education, 12(2), 201-217.
  • Kiraly, Z. (2003). Solfeggio 1: A vertical ear training instruction assisted by the computer. International Journal of Music Education, 1, 41–58.
  • Kırbaş, A. (2018). Student views on using smart boards in Turkish education. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 6(5), 1040–1049.
  • Koçak, O., & Gülcü, A. (2013). Teachers’ remarks on interactive whiteboard with LCD panel technology. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology, 1(4), 294–300.
  • Kurtuldu, M. K. & Kubaliç, C. D. (2023). Impact of walking game activity on teaching of asymmetrical rhythms in piano education, E-International Journal of Educational Research, 14 (4, 180-194. DOI:
  • Lai, C. L., Hwang, G. J., Liang, J. C., & Tsai, C. C. (2016) Differences between mobile learning environmental preferences of high school teachers and students in Taiwan: A structural equation model analysis, Educational Technology Research and Development, 64, 533–554. 9432-y
  • Martin, F., & Ertzberger, J. (2013). Here and now mobile learning: An experimental study on the use of mobile technology. Computers & Education, 68, 76–85.
  • McKerlich, R., Riis, M., Anderson, T., & Eastman, B. (2011). Student perceptions of teaching presence, social presence, and cognitive presence in a virtual world. Journal of Online Learning and Teaching. 7(3). 324-336.
  • MEB. (2018, September 9). Fine arts high school Western music theory and practice course 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grades curriculum.
  • Mehdipour, Y., & Zerehkafi, H. (2013). Mobile learning for education: Benefits and challenges. International Journal of Computational Engineering Research, 3(6), 93–101.
  • Merriam, S. B. (1998). Qualitative research and case study applications in education (2nd ed.). Jossey-Bass Microsoft Store (2022, September 9). PC application store.
  • Musical Ear Training-Theory. (2022a, September 9). Musical ear training–theory published on Google Play Store. Google Play.
  • Musical Ear Training-Theory. (2022b, September 9). Musical ear training–theory published on the AppStore store. AppStore.
  • My Ear Training. (2022, September 9). My ear training app published on Google Play Store. Play Store.
  • Ng, S. C., Lui, A. K., & Kwok, A. C. (2015). Easy-to-learn piano: A mobile application for learning basic music theory and piano skill. International Conference on Technology in Education 2-4 July 2015 (pp. 103–112). Springer.
  • O’Connel, M., & Smith, J. (2007). A guide to working with m-learning standards. Australian Flexible Learning Framework, 1–38.
  • Öğülmüş, S. (1991). Content analysis. Ankara University Journal of Faculty of Educational Sciences, 1(24), 213–228.
  • Okeke, I. N. (2020). Has mobile learning (m-learning) taken over music pedagogy? PREORC Journal of Arts and Humanities, 5(1), 149–171.
  • Özdamlı, F., & Yıldız, E. P. (2014). Parents’ views towards improve parent-school collaboration with mobile technologies. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 131, 361–366.
  • Özgül, Y. (2016). The effects of computer assisted melodic dictation instruction on student achievement [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Gazi University.
  • Paule-Ruiz, M., Álvarez-García, V., Pérez-Pérez, JR, Álvarez-Sierra, M., & Trespalacios-Menéndez, F. (2017). Music learning in preschool with mobile devices. Behavior & Information Technology, 36(1), 95–111.
  • Perfect Ear. (2022, September 9). An application published on the Google Play Store. Play Store.
  • Pierce, C., Woodward, C. J., & Bartel, A. (2020). Learning management models in serious mobile music games. In Proceedings of the Australasian Computer Science Week Multiconference in February 4-6. (pp. 1–7).
  • Prasso, N. M. (1997). An examination of the effect of writing melodies, using a computer based song-writing program, on high school students’ individual learning of sight-singing skills [Doctoral dissertation, Columbia University]. Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.
  • Radesky, J. S., Eisenberg, S., Kistin, C. J., Gross, J., Block, G., Zuckerman, B., & Silverstein, M. (2016). Overstimulated consumers or next-generation learners? Parent tensions about child mobile technology use. The Annals of Family Medicine, 14(6), 503–508.
  • Richardson, J. C. (2001). Examining social presence in online courses in relation to students’ perceived learning and satisfaction. [Doctoral dissertation, State University of New York at Albany]. Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.
  • Schofield, J. W. (1993). Increasing the generalizability of qualitative research. In M. Hammersley (Ed.), Educational research: Current issues (pp. 91–113). Paul Chapman Publishing.
  • Subaşı, M., Okumuş, K. (2017). Bir araştırma yöntemi olarak durum çalışması. Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 21(2): 419-426.
  • Teen, L. B., Ramli, A. B. H., & Ying, L. F. (2014). Raising interest with software integration in music notation learning. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 143, 379–383.
  • Terzioğlu, A. M. (2023). Ortaokul ve liselerde görev yapan müzik öğretmenlerinin müzik derslerinde kullandıkları çalgıların tespiti, E-Uluslararası Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 14 (4), 386-401. DOI:
  • Tejada, J. (2009). Hearing music notation through music score software: Effects on students’ music reading and writing. International Journal of Learning, 16 (6), 17–32.
  • Toprakçı, E. (2016). Eğitimbilim pedandragoji. Içinde Eğitimbilim Pedandragoji, 130-173. (Ed.: Erdal Toprakçı) Ankara: Ütopya Yayınevi
  • Uçan, A. (1997). Müzik eğitimi. Ankara: Müzik Ansiklopedisi Yayınları.
  • Unity. (2022a, September 9). Unity game engine.
  • Unity. (2022b, September 9). In Wikipedia.
  • Uzun, N., & Keleş, Ö. (2012). Determining factors effecting on primary school students’ motivation towards science learning. Mustafa Kemal University Journal of Social Sciences Institute, 9(20), 313–327.
  • Villani Jr, A. D. (2014). An appraisal of the use of computer music notation software among selected high school music teachers [Doctoral dissertation, Boston University]. Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.
  • Yarman, O. (2010). Main domestic software for representing Turkish makam music on computer. In Music Representation Musical Representation Symposium II 19-22 October 2010 (pp. 324–331). I.T.U. Turkish Music State Conservatory Musicology Department.
  • Yel, M., & Ural, A. (2020). The opinions of teachers about homework in education. Journal of Research in Education and Society, 7(2), 420–445.
  • Yıldırım, A., & Şimşek, H. (2011). Qualitative research methods in social sciences (5th ed). Seçkin Publishing.
  • Yin, R. (1984). Case study research: Design and methods. (3th ed.). Sage.
There are 69 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Other Fields of Education (Other)
Journal Section Issue Articles

Yusuf Özgül 0000-0003-1320-4777

Publication Date October 22, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023Volume: 14 Issue: 5


APA Özgül, Y. (2023). Music Notation Software for Smartphones: A Mobile Application Developed for Educational Purposes / Akıllı Telefonlar için Müzik Notasyon Yazılımı: Eğitsel Amaçlar Doğrultusunda Geliştirilmiş Bir Mobil Uygulama. E-Uluslararası Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 14(5), 607-627.

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This journal uses a CC BY-NC-SA license.

[email protected]          Address: Ege University Faculty of Education İzmir/Türkiye