Peer Review Process

Peer Review Process

Papers sent are firstly analyzed in originality (iThenticate) program by the editors committee, then papers having originality reports with 15% and below are sent to field editor by taking research topics into consideration.

In this process field editors send papers to two referees being experts in their field. In case of a difference between the views of two referees, papers are sent to another referee for the third review. Referees are given 15 day for their review. When this time is exceeded, a reminder letter is sent (7 day).  Therefore, review process of referees may sometimes take longer time than a month. Besides, the process of assigning referees by field editors for the preliminary reviewed papers by the editor take about 20 days.

In the article evaluation process double blind review system is utilized. Author(s) do not know who the referees reviewing their paper are, and referees do not know who the author(s) of the paper that they review are.

Author(s) are supposed to take criticism, suggestions and correction requests of referees, field editors and the editor into consideration. Author(s) should also send an explanation regarding whether they have made requested changes and corrections and how.

Publication fee is not requested for the accepted papers and authors and referees are not paid.

Editor may decide on accepting the paper according to the results of referee review reports, reviewing after corrections and changes that referees specified completed or refusing the paper.

For detailed information on referee review processes and evaluation principles notes for referees section can be visited.

Referee reviews are sent to authors of the papers that are accepted for publication. Papers that have been sent to editor upon completing changes and corrections are prepared for typesetting and design process. It is taken back to an iThenticate program. Positive report receiving articles, typesetting and design process of which have been completed, are sent to authors for control one last time.


Last Update Time: 3/19/21, 10:52:12 PM


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