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The publication process of Bezgek Journal of Teaching Turkish Language to Foreigners aims to contribute to the impartial and free development of knowledge and science. For this purpose, our journal follows the open access policy defined by the Budapest Open Access Initiative. Copying, printing, reproduction, etc., provided that the specified standards are observed and reference is made to the use of scientific knowledge. All usage rights (except commercial use and content modification) are granted under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Readers can benefit from all scientific publications of the journal without becoming a member of the journal and without paying any fee.

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Bezgek Journal of Teaching Turkish Language to Foreigners shares bibliography in accordance with I4OC standards. I4OC standards require references to be structured, separable, and unambiguous.

Last Update Time: 4/25/24, 5:17:18 PM

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