
Art-ekin Art Desing Journal is a national peer-reviewed journal that brings together interdisciplinary studies, especially in the fields of art, design and communication. Art-ekin Journal is published twice a year (in December and June) by Cankiri Karatekin University, Faculty of Art Design and Architecture. In order for articles to be published in Art-ekin Journal, they must not have been published or accepted for publication elsewhere. Papers previously presented at a scientific meeting and articles produced from graduate studies can be accepted, provided that this is clearly stated. The publication language of the journal is Turkish and English.
Articles submitted to Art-ekin Journal for publication are evaluated by two peer-reviews (blind peer-reviewed method) who are experts in the subject after a preliminary evaluation by the Editorial Board, and published in case of a positive report from two peer-reviews. In case of a positive and a negative report, it is sent to a third peer-review for a final decision. Article proposals that do not comply with the publication principles and writing rules will not be evaluated.
At the time of application, authors are required to upload plagiarism reports scanned by iThenticate or Turnitin programmes for all articles. Articles with a similarity rate of more than 15%, excluding references, are rejected directly without proceeding to the evaluation stage.
No fee is charged from the Our journal does not charge any fee under any name from the author or his/her organisation.or institution under any name.