Murat Yılmaz Dr. Instructor KASTAMONU ÜNİVERSİTESİ
Publication 1 Review 1
1 Publication
1 Review

Research Fields

Gender and Politics International Politics Studies of Asian Society International Migration Security Studies


I am a junior scholar of International Relations at Kastamonu University located in Kastamonu, Türkiye. I received a doctorate in political science with two majors, International Relations and Comparative Politics in 2021 from the University of Cincinnati, which was supported by the Turkish Educational Ministry and the University of Cincinnati.

My dissertation focused on Uyghurs and China, which was supported in part during my time as a Dissertation Fellow at the TAFT Research Center, 2018-2019. Currently, I am interested in transnational authoritarianism, cyber security, immigration and gender. This builds on my dissertation work as I focus on Uyghurs, diaspora and China's oppression of minorities.

Recently I was awarded 2022 Carrie Chapman Catt Prize for an ongoing project with Dr. Crystal Whetstone. 

For more details about my research, please visit yilmazmurat.academy






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