Araştırma Makalesi
BibTex RIS Kaynak Göster
Yıl 2022, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 2, 327 - 346, 22.04.2022



  • Arsal, Z. (2009). Problem çözme stratejilerinin problem çözme başarısını yordama gücü. Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 9(1), 103-113.
  • Álvarez, V., Torres, T., Gangoso, Z., & Sanjose, V. (2020). A cognitive model to analyse physics and chemistry problem-solving skills: Mental representations ımplied ın solving actions. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 19(5), 730.
  • Baltacı, S., Yıldız, A., & Güven, B. (2014). Knowledge types used by eighth grade gifted students while solving problems. Bolema: Boletim de Educação Matemática, 28(50), 1032-1055.
  • Beichner, R. J. (2002), GOAL oriented problem solving. beichner/RB/GOALPaper.pdf
  • Bollen, L., van Kampen, P., Baily, C., Kelly, M., & De Cock, M. (2017). Student difficulties regarding symbolic and graphical representations of vector fields. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 13(2), 020109.
  • Bulu, S. T., & Pedersen, S. (2010). Scaffolding middle school students’ content knowledge and ill-structured problem solving in a problem-based hypermedia learning environment. Educational Technology Research and Development, 58(5), 507-529.
  • Buteler, L. M., & Coleoni, E. A. (2014). Exploring the relation between ıntuitive physics knowledge and equations during problem solving. Electronic Journal of Science Education, 18(2), n2.
  • Carotenuto, G., Di Martino, P., & Lemmi, M. (2021). Students’ suspension of sense making in problem solving. ZDM–Mathematics Education, 53, 817-830.
  • Ceuppens, S., Bollen, L., Deprez, J., Dehaene, W., & De Cock, M. (2019). 9th grade students’ understanding and strategies when solving x (t) problems in 1D kinematics and y (x) problems in mathematics. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 15(1), 010101.
  • Çalışkan, S. (2007). Problem çözme stratejileri öğretiminin fizik başarısı, tutumu, öz yeterliği üzerindeki etkileri ve strateji kullanımı (Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi). Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, İzmir.
  • Çalışkan, S., Sezgin, G. S., Selçuk, G. S., & Erol, M., (2006). Fizik ögretmen adaylarının problem çözme davranışlarının değerlendirilmesi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 30(30), 73-81.
  • De Cock, M. (2012). Representation use and strategy choice in physics problem solving. Physical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research, 8(2), 020117.
  • Docktor, J. L., Strand, N. E., Mestre, J. P., & Ross, B. H. (2015). Conceptual problem solving in high school physics. Physical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research, 11(2), 020106.
  • Erceg, N., & Aviani, I. (2014). Students’ understanding of velocity-time graphs and the sources of conceptual difficulties. Croatian Journal of Education: Hrvatski časopis za odgoj i obrazovanje, 16(1), 43-80.
  • Eryılmaz Toksoy, S., & Çalışkan, S. (2015). Fizikte kullanılan problem çözme stratejileri ölçeğinin lise öğrencileri için uygulanabilirliğinin test edilmesi. Necatibey Faculty of Education Electronic Journal of Science & Mathematics Education, 9(2), 158-177.
  • Eryılmaz Toksoy, S. (2020). 11. sınıf öğrencilerinin hareket türlerini açıklama ve ilgili grafikleri çizme, yorumlama bilgilerinin incelenmesi. Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 20(3), 1423-1441.
  • Fidel, R. (1984). The case study method: A case study. Library and Information Science Research, 6(3), 273-288.
  • Fraser, J. M., Timan, A. L., Miller, K., Dowd, J. E., Tucker, L., & Mazur, E. (2014). Teaching and physics education research: bridging the gap. Reports on Progress in Physics, 77(3), 032401.
  • Friege, G., & Lind, G. (2006). Types and qualities of knowledge and their relations to problem solving in physics. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 4(3), 437-465.
  • Fortus, D. (2009). The importance of learning to make assumptions. Science Education, 93(1), 86-108.
  • Gökkurt, B. & Soylu, Y (2013). Öğrencilerin problem çözme sürecindeki anlam bilgisini kullanma düzeyleri, Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi, 21(2), 469-488.
  • Handhika, J., Istiantara, D. T., & Astuti, S. W. (2019, October). Using graphical presentation to reveals the student’s conception of kinematics. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1321, No. 3, p. 032064). IOP Publishing.
  • Heller, P., Keith, R., & Anderson, S. (1992). Teaching problem solving through cooperative grouping. Part 1: Group versus individual problem solving. American Journal of Physics, 60(7), 627-636.
  • Hung, C. S., & Wu, H. K. (2018). Tenth graders’ problem-solving performance, self-efficacy, and perceptions of physics problems with different representational formats. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 14(2), 020114.
  • Ibrahim, B., & Rebello, N. S. (2012). Representational task formats and problem solving strategies in kinematics and work. Physical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research, 8(1), 010126.
  • Ivanjek, L., Susac, A., Planinic, M., Andrasevic, A., & Milin-Sipus, Z. (2016). Student reasoning about graphs in different contexts. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 12(1), 010106.
  • Ince, E. (2018). An overview of problem solving studies in physics education. Journal of Education and Learning, 7(4), 191-200.
  • Jitendra, A. K., Lein, A. E., Star, J. R., & Dupuis, D. N. (2013). The contribution of domain-specific knowledge in predicting students' proportional word problem-solving performance. Educational Research and Evaluation, 19(8), 700-716.
  • Jua, S. K. (2018, May). The profile of students’ problem-solving skill in physics across interest program in the secondary school. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1022, No. 1, p. 012027). IOP Publishing.
  • Kaltakçı Gürel, D., & Di̇di̇ş Körhasan, D . (2018). A critical look at the physics education research in Turkey and in the world. Bartın University Journal of Faculty of Education, 7(3) , 935-957.
  • Kelly, R., McLoughlin, E., & Finlayson, O. E. (2016). Analysing student written solutions to investigate if problem-solving processes are evident throughout. International Journal of Science Education, 38(11), 1766-1784.
  • Kim, M., & Pegg, P. (2019) Case analysis of children's reasoning in problem-solving process, International Journal of Science Education, 41(6), 739-758.
  • Koedinger, K. R., & Nathan, M. J. (2004). The real story behind story problems: Effects of representations on quantitative reasoning. The journal of the learning sciences, 13(2), 129-164.
  • Kohl, P. B., & Finkelstein, N. D. (2005). Student representational competence and self-assessment when solving physics problems. Physical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research, 1(1), 010104.
  • Kohl, P. B., & Finkelstein, N. D. (2006). Effects of representation on students solving physics problems: A fine-grained characterization. Physical review special topics-Physics education research, 2(1), 010106.
  • Lucas, L. L., & Lewis, E. B. (2019). High school students' use of representations in physics problem solving. School Science and Mathematics, 119(6), 327-339.
  • Mansyur, J. (2015). Teachers' and students' preliminary stages in physics problem solving. International Education Studies, 8(9), 1-13.
  • Maries, A. (2013). Role of multiple representations in physics problem solving (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Pittsburgh.
  • Maries, A., & Singh, C. (2018). Case of two electrostatics problems: Can providing a diagram adversely impact introductory physics students’ problem solving performance?. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 14(1), 010114.
  • McDermott, L. C. (1993). Guest Comment: How we teach and how students leaarn-a mismatch. American Journal of Physics, 61(4), 295-298.
  • Meltzer, D. E. (2005). Relation between students’ problem-solving performance and representational format. American journal of physics, 73(5), 463-478.
  • Milbourne, J., & Wiebe, E. (2018). The role of content knowledge in ill-structured problem solving for high school physics students. Research in Science Education, 48(1), 165-179.
  • Moreno, R., Ozogul, G., & Reisslein, M. (2011). Teaching with concrete and abstract visual representations: Effects on students' problem solving, problem representations, and learning perceptions. Journal of educational psychology, 103(1), 32-47.
  • Ogilvie, C. A. (2009). Changes in students’ problem-solving strategies in a course that includes context-rich, multifaceted problems. Physical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research, 5(2), 020102.
  • Özcan, Ö. (2011). Fizik öğretmen adaylarının özel görelilik kuramı ile ilgili problem çözme yaklaşımları. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 40(40), 310-320.
  • Planinic, M., Milin-Sipus, Z., Katic, H., Susac, A., & Ivanjek, L. (2012). Comparison of student understanding of line graph slope in physics and mathematics. International journal of science and mathematics education, 10(6), 1393-1414.
  • Planinic, M., Ivanjek, L., Susac, A., & Milin-Sipus, Z. (2013). Comparison of university students’ understanding of graphs in different contexts. Physical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research, 9(2), 020103.
  • Puteh, M., & Ibrahim, M. (2010). The usage of self-regulated learning strategies among form four students in the mathematical problem-solving context: A case study. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 8, 446-452.
  • Reddy, M., & Panacharoensawad, B. (2017). Students problem-solving difficulties and ımplications in physics: An empirical study on ınfluencing factors. Journal of Education and Practice, 8(14), 59-62.
  • Reddy, L. (2020). An evaluation of undergraduate south african physics students’ epistemological beliefs when solving physics problems. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 16(5),
  • Rosenquist, M. L., & McDermott, L. C. (1987). A conceptual approach to teaching kinematics. American Journal of Physics, 55(5), 407-415.
  • Sezen, N., Uzun, M. S., & Bulbul, A. (2012). An investigation of preservice physics teacher's use of graphical representations. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 46, 3006-3010.
  • Shin, N., Jonassen, D. H., & McGee, S. (2003). Predictors of well‐structured and ill‐structured problem solving in an astronomy simulation. Journal of research in science teaching, 40(1), 6-33.
  • Steele, D. F. (2007). Understanding students' problem-solving knowledge through their writing. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 13(2), 102-109. ttps://
  • Tekbıyık, A., & Akdeniz, A. R. (2010). Bağlam temelli ve geleneksel fizik problemlerinin karşılaştırılması üzerine bir inceleme. Necatibey Eğitim Fakültesi Elektronik Fen ve Matematik Eğitimi Dergisi, 4(1), 123-140.
  • Turşucu, S., Spandaw, J., & De Vries, M. J. (2020). The effectiveness of activation of prior mathematical knowledge during problem-solving in physics. 16(4), em183,
  • Wright, D. S., & Williams, C. D. (1986). A WISE strategy for introductory physics. The Physics Teacher, 24, 211-216.

Analysis of Strategies Used by Students in Solving Motion Problems According to the Presentation of the Problem

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 2, 327 - 346, 22.04.2022


In this research, it was aimed to analyze the problem solving strategies used during solving problems related to constant speed and constant acceleration motion, which are often used in graphs, according to the presentation of the problem (text and graph).The research was carried out with 119 students studying in the 11th grade. In the research conducted in a case study pattern, data were collected using the problem solving strategies scale used in Physics at the high school level and open-ended questions about problems presented in two different ways. Scores from the scale were analyzed through the SPSS 25 program, and data from open-ended questions were analyzed by content analysis. According to the results obtained from the scales, it was determined that the problem-solving strategies used by students did not differ according to the presentation of the problem, but there was a difference in the stages of understanding the problem and organizing the problem according to the results obtained from open-ended questions. According to these results, it can be said that the way the problem is presented mostly affects the stage of understanding the problem. The understanding phase affects the solution process and the time required for the solution.


  • Arsal, Z. (2009). Problem çözme stratejilerinin problem çözme başarısını yordama gücü. Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 9(1), 103-113.
  • Álvarez, V., Torres, T., Gangoso, Z., & Sanjose, V. (2020). A cognitive model to analyse physics and chemistry problem-solving skills: Mental representations ımplied ın solving actions. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 19(5), 730.
  • Baltacı, S., Yıldız, A., & Güven, B. (2014). Knowledge types used by eighth grade gifted students while solving problems. Bolema: Boletim de Educação Matemática, 28(50), 1032-1055.
  • Beichner, R. J. (2002), GOAL oriented problem solving. beichner/RB/GOALPaper.pdf
  • Bollen, L., van Kampen, P., Baily, C., Kelly, M., & De Cock, M. (2017). Student difficulties regarding symbolic and graphical representations of vector fields. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 13(2), 020109.
  • Bulu, S. T., & Pedersen, S. (2010). Scaffolding middle school students’ content knowledge and ill-structured problem solving in a problem-based hypermedia learning environment. Educational Technology Research and Development, 58(5), 507-529.
  • Buteler, L. M., & Coleoni, E. A. (2014). Exploring the relation between ıntuitive physics knowledge and equations during problem solving. Electronic Journal of Science Education, 18(2), n2.
  • Carotenuto, G., Di Martino, P., & Lemmi, M. (2021). Students’ suspension of sense making in problem solving. ZDM–Mathematics Education, 53, 817-830.
  • Ceuppens, S., Bollen, L., Deprez, J., Dehaene, W., & De Cock, M. (2019). 9th grade students’ understanding and strategies when solving x (t) problems in 1D kinematics and y (x) problems in mathematics. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 15(1), 010101.
  • Çalışkan, S. (2007). Problem çözme stratejileri öğretiminin fizik başarısı, tutumu, öz yeterliği üzerindeki etkileri ve strateji kullanımı (Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi). Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, İzmir.
  • Çalışkan, S., Sezgin, G. S., Selçuk, G. S., & Erol, M., (2006). Fizik ögretmen adaylarının problem çözme davranışlarının değerlendirilmesi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 30(30), 73-81.
  • De Cock, M. (2012). Representation use and strategy choice in physics problem solving. Physical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research, 8(2), 020117.
  • Docktor, J. L., Strand, N. E., Mestre, J. P., & Ross, B. H. (2015). Conceptual problem solving in high school physics. Physical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research, 11(2), 020106.
  • Erceg, N., & Aviani, I. (2014). Students’ understanding of velocity-time graphs and the sources of conceptual difficulties. Croatian Journal of Education: Hrvatski časopis za odgoj i obrazovanje, 16(1), 43-80.
  • Eryılmaz Toksoy, S., & Çalışkan, S. (2015). Fizikte kullanılan problem çözme stratejileri ölçeğinin lise öğrencileri için uygulanabilirliğinin test edilmesi. Necatibey Faculty of Education Electronic Journal of Science & Mathematics Education, 9(2), 158-177.
  • Eryılmaz Toksoy, S. (2020). 11. sınıf öğrencilerinin hareket türlerini açıklama ve ilgili grafikleri çizme, yorumlama bilgilerinin incelenmesi. Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 20(3), 1423-1441.
  • Fidel, R. (1984). The case study method: A case study. Library and Information Science Research, 6(3), 273-288.
  • Fraser, J. M., Timan, A. L., Miller, K., Dowd, J. E., Tucker, L., & Mazur, E. (2014). Teaching and physics education research: bridging the gap. Reports on Progress in Physics, 77(3), 032401.
  • Friege, G., & Lind, G. (2006). Types and qualities of knowledge and their relations to problem solving in physics. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 4(3), 437-465.
  • Fortus, D. (2009). The importance of learning to make assumptions. Science Education, 93(1), 86-108.
  • Gökkurt, B. & Soylu, Y (2013). Öğrencilerin problem çözme sürecindeki anlam bilgisini kullanma düzeyleri, Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi, 21(2), 469-488.
  • Handhika, J., Istiantara, D. T., & Astuti, S. W. (2019, October). Using graphical presentation to reveals the student’s conception of kinematics. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1321, No. 3, p. 032064). IOP Publishing.
  • Heller, P., Keith, R., & Anderson, S. (1992). Teaching problem solving through cooperative grouping. Part 1: Group versus individual problem solving. American Journal of Physics, 60(7), 627-636.
  • Hung, C. S., & Wu, H. K. (2018). Tenth graders’ problem-solving performance, self-efficacy, and perceptions of physics problems with different representational formats. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 14(2), 020114.
  • Ibrahim, B., & Rebello, N. S. (2012). Representational task formats and problem solving strategies in kinematics and work. Physical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research, 8(1), 010126.
  • Ivanjek, L., Susac, A., Planinic, M., Andrasevic, A., & Milin-Sipus, Z. (2016). Student reasoning about graphs in different contexts. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 12(1), 010106.
  • Ince, E. (2018). An overview of problem solving studies in physics education. Journal of Education and Learning, 7(4), 191-200.
  • Jitendra, A. K., Lein, A. E., Star, J. R., & Dupuis, D. N. (2013). The contribution of domain-specific knowledge in predicting students' proportional word problem-solving performance. Educational Research and Evaluation, 19(8), 700-716.
  • Jua, S. K. (2018, May). The profile of students’ problem-solving skill in physics across interest program in the secondary school. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1022, No. 1, p. 012027). IOP Publishing.
  • Kaltakçı Gürel, D., & Di̇di̇ş Körhasan, D . (2018). A critical look at the physics education research in Turkey and in the world. Bartın University Journal of Faculty of Education, 7(3) , 935-957.
  • Kelly, R., McLoughlin, E., & Finlayson, O. E. (2016). Analysing student written solutions to investigate if problem-solving processes are evident throughout. International Journal of Science Education, 38(11), 1766-1784.
  • Kim, M., & Pegg, P. (2019) Case analysis of children's reasoning in problem-solving process, International Journal of Science Education, 41(6), 739-758.
  • Koedinger, K. R., & Nathan, M. J. (2004). The real story behind story problems: Effects of representations on quantitative reasoning. The journal of the learning sciences, 13(2), 129-164.
  • Kohl, P. B., & Finkelstein, N. D. (2005). Student representational competence and self-assessment when solving physics problems. Physical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research, 1(1), 010104.
  • Kohl, P. B., & Finkelstein, N. D. (2006). Effects of representation on students solving physics problems: A fine-grained characterization. Physical review special topics-Physics education research, 2(1), 010106.
  • Lucas, L. L., & Lewis, E. B. (2019). High school students' use of representations in physics problem solving. School Science and Mathematics, 119(6), 327-339.
  • Mansyur, J. (2015). Teachers' and students' preliminary stages in physics problem solving. International Education Studies, 8(9), 1-13.
  • Maries, A. (2013). Role of multiple representations in physics problem solving (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Pittsburgh.
  • Maries, A., & Singh, C. (2018). Case of two electrostatics problems: Can providing a diagram adversely impact introductory physics students’ problem solving performance?. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 14(1), 010114.
  • McDermott, L. C. (1993). Guest Comment: How we teach and how students leaarn-a mismatch. American Journal of Physics, 61(4), 295-298.
  • Meltzer, D. E. (2005). Relation between students’ problem-solving performance and representational format. American journal of physics, 73(5), 463-478.
  • Milbourne, J., & Wiebe, E. (2018). The role of content knowledge in ill-structured problem solving for high school physics students. Research in Science Education, 48(1), 165-179.
  • Moreno, R., Ozogul, G., & Reisslein, M. (2011). Teaching with concrete and abstract visual representations: Effects on students' problem solving, problem representations, and learning perceptions. Journal of educational psychology, 103(1), 32-47.
  • Ogilvie, C. A. (2009). Changes in students’ problem-solving strategies in a course that includes context-rich, multifaceted problems. Physical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research, 5(2), 020102.
  • Özcan, Ö. (2011). Fizik öğretmen adaylarının özel görelilik kuramı ile ilgili problem çözme yaklaşımları. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 40(40), 310-320.
  • Planinic, M., Milin-Sipus, Z., Katic, H., Susac, A., & Ivanjek, L. (2012). Comparison of student understanding of line graph slope in physics and mathematics. International journal of science and mathematics education, 10(6), 1393-1414.
  • Planinic, M., Ivanjek, L., Susac, A., & Milin-Sipus, Z. (2013). Comparison of university students’ understanding of graphs in different contexts. Physical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research, 9(2), 020103.
  • Puteh, M., & Ibrahim, M. (2010). The usage of self-regulated learning strategies among form four students in the mathematical problem-solving context: A case study. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 8, 446-452.
  • Reddy, M., & Panacharoensawad, B. (2017). Students problem-solving difficulties and ımplications in physics: An empirical study on ınfluencing factors. Journal of Education and Practice, 8(14), 59-62.
  • Reddy, L. (2020). An evaluation of undergraduate south african physics students’ epistemological beliefs when solving physics problems. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 16(5),
  • Rosenquist, M. L., & McDermott, L. C. (1987). A conceptual approach to teaching kinematics. American Journal of Physics, 55(5), 407-415.
  • Sezen, N., Uzun, M. S., & Bulbul, A. (2012). An investigation of preservice physics teacher's use of graphical representations. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 46, 3006-3010.
  • Shin, N., Jonassen, D. H., & McGee, S. (2003). Predictors of well‐structured and ill‐structured problem solving in an astronomy simulation. Journal of research in science teaching, 40(1), 6-33.
  • Steele, D. F. (2007). Understanding students' problem-solving knowledge through their writing. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 13(2), 102-109. ttps://
  • Tekbıyık, A., & Akdeniz, A. R. (2010). Bağlam temelli ve geleneksel fizik problemlerinin karşılaştırılması üzerine bir inceleme. Necatibey Eğitim Fakültesi Elektronik Fen ve Matematik Eğitimi Dergisi, 4(1), 123-140.
  • Turşucu, S., Spandaw, J., & De Vries, M. J. (2020). The effectiveness of activation of prior mathematical knowledge during problem-solving in physics. 16(4), em183,
  • Wright, D. S., & Williams, C. D. (1986). A WISE strategy for introductory physics. The Physics Teacher, 24, 211-216.
Toplam 57 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Alan Eğitimleri
Bölüm Makaleler

Seyhan Eryılmaz Toksoy 0000-0002-8643-1017

Yayımlanma Tarihi 22 Nisan 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 28 Temmuz 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 15 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Eryılmaz Toksoy, S. (2022). Analysis of Strategies Used by Students in Solving Motion Problems According to the Presentation of the Problem. Journal of Theoretical Educational Science, 15(2), 327-346.