Research Article
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Gender analysis of sweet potato production: the case of farmers in Delta State, Nigeria

Year 2024, Volume: 61 Issue: 1, 47 - 60, 18.04.2024


Objective: The main objective of this study is to examine the gender participation in sweet potato production (SPP) among farmers in Delta State.
Material and Methods: Multi-stage sampling procedure was used to select 131 respondents, comprising 73 male and 58 female sweet potato farmers. The data were obtained between October and December in 2019. Data were collected through interview schedule and analyzed using descriptive statistics, T-test, Pearson Product Moment Correlation and multiple regression.
Results: The results indicated that male and female farmers were at an age of 39.5±8.9 years old and 41.9±11.1 years old, respectively. Household sizes for male and female were 9±6 persons and 8±4 persons, respectively. Most male- (95.9%) and female- (81.0%) were formally educated. Men participated more in planting (x ̅=2.62), while women participated more in marketing (x ̅=2.91). The level of participation in SPP was high and low among more than half of the male- (56.2%) and female- (55.2%), respectively. Flooding was the highest constraint to SPP faced by male (x ̅=1.93) and female (x ̅=1.90).There was no significant difference between male and female level of participation in SPP (t=0.92;p>0.05), and constraints to SPP (t=0.74;p>0.05).Household size (β=-0.46); and education, household size and being married (r=0.26, 0.26, and β=4.19) significantly influenced male and female participation in SPP, respectively.
Conclusion: Household size influenced men participation in SPP while education, household size and marriage enhanced women participation in SPP.

Ethical Statement

The following ethical standards were observed for the research: 1. Respondents/participants voluntary participation; respondents/participants were not forced to participate. 2. Informed consent of respondents/participants was adequately and duly sort before participation. The respondents/participants were provided with sufficient information about the study, particulary the purpose, relevance and expected outcome of the study, in order to make an informed decision on their participation. 3. The respondents/participants were provided the right to withdraw from the interview schedule and FGDs at any point and were made aware of this from the start. 4. Respondents/participants anonymity and confidentiality were guaranteed.


  • Aboderin, O. S., 2017. Gender Assessment of Watermelon Production among Farmers in Ibarapa Area of Oyo State. Faculty of Agriculture, the University of Ibadan, (Unpublished) M.Sc. Dissertation, Ibadan, Nigeria, 80 pp.
  • Ahmed, I. M., S. A. Makama, V. R. Kiresur & B. S. Amina, 2014. Efficiency of sweet potato farmers in Nigeria: potentials for food security and poverty alleviation. IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science (IOSR-JAVS), 7 (1): 1-6.
  • FAOSTAT, 2017. Food and agriculture organization of the United Nations statistical databases. (Web page: (Date accessed: February 2018).
  • Mwanja, Y. P., E. E. Goler & F. M. Gugu, 2017. Assessment of root and vine yields of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas [L.] Lam) landraces as influence by plant population density in Jos-Plateau, Nigeria. International Journal of Agricultural Research, 12 (2): 88-92.
  • Odebode, S. O., O. Oyibo & C. O. Nwanebo, 2021. Determinants of sweet potato production level among farming households in Imo State, Nigeria. International Journal of Agriculture & Rural Development, 24 (1): 5559-5568.
  • Odebode, S. O., O. S. Aboderin & O. O. Aboderin, 2018. Gender assessment of watermelon production among farmers in Ibarapa Area of Oyo State. International Journal of Gender and Women’s Studies, 6 (1): 100-110.
  • Ofuoku, A. U. & D. O. Aganagana, 2018. Effect of rural-urban migration on arable crops production in Delta North agricultural zone, Delta State, Nigeria. Ege Universitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 55 (2): 229-236.
  • Olagunju. S. O., S. B. Fakayode, R. O. Babatunde & F. Ogunwole-Olapade, 2013. Gender analysis of sweet potato production in Osun state, Nigeria. Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economic and Sociology, 2 (1): 1-13.
  • Oyibo, O. & S. O. Odebode, 2023. Correlates and determinants of involvement in sweet potato production among farming households in Niger-Delta Area of Nigeria. Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agricultural Science, 33 (3): 377-389.
  • Oyibo, O., 2020. Cassava farmers’ attitude towards participation in root and tuber expansion programme in Delta State, Nigeria. Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agricultural Science, 30 (3): 462-474.
  • Oyibo, O., 2021. Effects of Sweet potato Production on Empowerment of Farming Households in Niger-Delta Area of Nigeria. Faculty of Agriculture, the University of Ibadan (Unpublished) PhD Thesis, Ibadan, Nigeria, 308 pp.
  • Quisumbing, A. R., R. Meinzen-Dick, T. L. Raney, A. Croppenstedt, J. A. Behrman & A. Peterman, 2014. “Closing the Knowledge Gap on Gender in Agriculture, 3-27”. In: Gender in Agriculture. Springer, (Eds. A. R. Quisumbing, R. Meinzen-Dick, T. L. Raney, A. Croppenstedt, J. A. Behrman & A. Peterman). Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 444 pp.
  • Sangotegbe, N. S., T. S. Taofeeq & J. O. Oluwasusi, 2013. Gender analysis of rice production in Obafemi Owode Local Government Area of Ogun State, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Rural Sociology, 14 (1): 32-40.
  • Sugri, I., B. K. Maalekuu, E. Gaveh & F. Kusi, 2017. Sweet potato value chain analysis reveals opportunities for increased income and food security in Northern Ghana. Advances in Agriculture, 1 (1): 1-14.
  • Uzokwe, U. N., A. U. Ofuoku & O. D. Dafe, 2017. Male and female participation in selected agricultural development programmes in Edo State.Journal of Agricultural Extension, 21 (1): 15-26.

Tatlı patates üretiminde cinsiyet analizi: Nijerya'nın Delta Eyaletindeki çiftçilerin durumu

Year 2024, Volume: 61 Issue: 1, 47 - 60, 18.04.2024


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın temel amacı Delta Eyaletindeki çiftçiler arasında tatlı patates üretimine (TPU) cinsiyet katılımını incelemektir.
Materyal ve Yöntem: 73'ü erkek ve 58'i kadın tatlı patates çiftçisinden oluşan 131 katılımcıyı seçmek için çok aşamalı örnekleme metodu kullanıldı. Veriler 2019 yılı Ekim-Aralık ayları arasında elde edilmiştir. Veriler anket aracılığıyla toplanmış ve betimsel istatistikler, T-testi, Pearson Momentler Çarpımı Korelasyonu ve çoklu regresyon kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir.
Araştırma Bulguları: Sonuçlar, erkek ve kadın çiftçilerin sırasıyla 39, 5±8, 9 ve 41, 9±11, 1 yaşında olduklarını göstermiştir. Hane halkı büyüklüğü erkek ve kadınlarda sırasıyla 9±6 kişi ve 8±4 kişidir. Erkeklerin (%95, 9) ve kadınların (%81, 0) çoğu örgün eğitimlidir. Erkekler ekime daha fazla katılırken (x ̅=2, 62), kadınlar ise pazarlamaya daha fazla katılmıştır (x ̅=2, 91). TPÜ'ye katılım düzeyi sırasıyla erkeklerin (%56, 2) ve kadınların (%55, 2) yarısından fazlası arasında yüksek ve düşüktür. Su baskını, erkeklerin (x ̅=1, 93) ve kadınların (x ̅=1, 90) karşılaştığı TPÜ'ne yönelik en yüksek kısıtlamadır. Erkek ve kadınların TPÜ'ne katılım düzeyleri (t=0, 92;p>0, 05) ve GPP'ye yönelik kısıtlamalar (t=0, 74;p>0, 05) arasında anlamlı bir fark yoktur. Hane halkı büyüklüğü (β=-0, 46); ve eğitim, hane halkı büyüklüğü ve evli olmak (r=0, 26, 0, 26 ve β=4, 19) sırasıyla erkek ve kadınların TPÜ'ne katılımını anlamlı düzeyde etkilemiştir.
Sonuç: Hane halkı büyüklüğü erkeklerin TPÜ'ne katılımını etkilerken, eğitim, hane büyüklüğü ve evlilik kadınların TPÜ'ne katılımını artırmıştır.

Ethical Statement

Araştırmada aşağıdaki etik standartlara uyulmuştur: 1. Katılımcıların/katılımcıların gönüllü katılımı; katılımcılar/katılımcılar katılmaya zorlanmadı. 2. Katılımcıların/katılımcıların bilgilendirilmiş onamları katılımdan önce yeterli ve usulüne uygun olarak sınıflandırılmıştır. Katılımcılara/katılımcılara, katılımları konusunda bilinçli bir karar verebilmeleri için, özellikle çalışmanın amacı, ilgililiği ve beklenen sonucu olmak üzere çalışma hakkında yeterli bilgi verildi. 3. Katılımcılara/katılımcılara herhangi bir noktada görüşme programından ve OGG'lerden çekilme hakkı tanınmıştır ve bu konuda en başından beri bilgilendirilmişlerdir. 4. Katılımcıların/katılımcıların anonimliği ve gizliliği garanti edilmiştir.


  • Aboderin, O. S., 2017. Gender Assessment of Watermelon Production among Farmers in Ibarapa Area of Oyo State. Faculty of Agriculture, the University of Ibadan, (Unpublished) M.Sc. Dissertation, Ibadan, Nigeria, 80 pp.
  • Ahmed, I. M., S. A. Makama, V. R. Kiresur & B. S. Amina, 2014. Efficiency of sweet potato farmers in Nigeria: potentials for food security and poverty alleviation. IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science (IOSR-JAVS), 7 (1): 1-6.
  • FAOSTAT, 2017. Food and agriculture organization of the United Nations statistical databases. (Web page: (Date accessed: February 2018).
  • Mwanja, Y. P., E. E. Goler & F. M. Gugu, 2017. Assessment of root and vine yields of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas [L.] Lam) landraces as influence by plant population density in Jos-Plateau, Nigeria. International Journal of Agricultural Research, 12 (2): 88-92.
  • Odebode, S. O., O. Oyibo & C. O. Nwanebo, 2021. Determinants of sweet potato production level among farming households in Imo State, Nigeria. International Journal of Agriculture & Rural Development, 24 (1): 5559-5568.
  • Odebode, S. O., O. S. Aboderin & O. O. Aboderin, 2018. Gender assessment of watermelon production among farmers in Ibarapa Area of Oyo State. International Journal of Gender and Women’s Studies, 6 (1): 100-110.
  • Ofuoku, A. U. & D. O. Aganagana, 2018. Effect of rural-urban migration on arable crops production in Delta North agricultural zone, Delta State, Nigeria. Ege Universitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 55 (2): 229-236.
  • Olagunju. S. O., S. B. Fakayode, R. O. Babatunde & F. Ogunwole-Olapade, 2013. Gender analysis of sweet potato production in Osun state, Nigeria. Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economic and Sociology, 2 (1): 1-13.
  • Oyibo, O. & S. O. Odebode, 2023. Correlates and determinants of involvement in sweet potato production among farming households in Niger-Delta Area of Nigeria. Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agricultural Science, 33 (3): 377-389.
  • Oyibo, O., 2020. Cassava farmers’ attitude towards participation in root and tuber expansion programme in Delta State, Nigeria. Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agricultural Science, 30 (3): 462-474.
  • Oyibo, O., 2021. Effects of Sweet potato Production on Empowerment of Farming Households in Niger-Delta Area of Nigeria. Faculty of Agriculture, the University of Ibadan (Unpublished) PhD Thesis, Ibadan, Nigeria, 308 pp.
  • Quisumbing, A. R., R. Meinzen-Dick, T. L. Raney, A. Croppenstedt, J. A. Behrman & A. Peterman, 2014. “Closing the Knowledge Gap on Gender in Agriculture, 3-27”. In: Gender in Agriculture. Springer, (Eds. A. R. Quisumbing, R. Meinzen-Dick, T. L. Raney, A. Croppenstedt, J. A. Behrman & A. Peterman). Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 444 pp.
  • Sangotegbe, N. S., T. S. Taofeeq & J. O. Oluwasusi, 2013. Gender analysis of rice production in Obafemi Owode Local Government Area of Ogun State, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Rural Sociology, 14 (1): 32-40.
  • Sugri, I., B. K. Maalekuu, E. Gaveh & F. Kusi, 2017. Sweet potato value chain analysis reveals opportunities for increased income and food security in Northern Ghana. Advances in Agriculture, 1 (1): 1-14.
  • Uzokwe, U. N., A. U. Ofuoku & O. D. Dafe, 2017. Male and female participation in selected agricultural development programmes in Edo State.Journal of Agricultural Extension, 21 (1): 15-26.
There are 15 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Policy, Agricultural Extension and Communication
Journal Section Articles

Ogheneakpobor Oyıbo 0000-0002-5719-3486

Stella O. Odebode 0000-0002-3582-0768

Early Pub Date April 18, 2024
Publication Date April 18, 2024
Submission Date October 28, 2023
Acceptance Date March 7, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 61 Issue: 1


APA Oyıbo, O., & Odebode, S. O. (2024). Gender analysis of sweet potato production: the case of farmers in Delta State, Nigeria. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 61(1), 47-60.

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